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Digestive Health with REAL Food
Digestive Health with REAL Food: A Practical Guide to an Anti-Inflammatory, Low Irritant, Nutrient Dense Diet for IBS and Other Digestive Issues | Aglaee Jacob
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Provides a practical, step-by-step guide to a food-based approach that will help IBS sufferers recover their digestive health naturally.
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The author of this book has MS, RD after her name. And then she puts this “home test” in here, admits there‘s absolutely no evidence to support it, but why not? I was already skeptical from some of her other starements, but now I‘m out.

Hooked_on_books This is the kind of crap that makes me not trust dieticians. Which is too bad, since they can provide a valuable service to people. 2mo
ravenlee @Hooked_on_books exactly. I met with a nutritionist (maybe a dietician, don‘t remember) in college, and she was awful to me. She looked down her nose at me and said, “there is no place for SUGAR (say it like it‘s stuck on your shoe now) in a balanced diet.” Because in my food journal I listed two (2!) swedish fish as a treat one day. She didn‘t even know what that was. 2mo
Hooked_on_books That‘s absurd! I‘ve left medicine, but I‘m an MD and some of the stuff I‘ve read dieticians say is so divorced from fact that I‘m horrified. People who have the backing of purported knowledge should not be inserting their personal opinions instead. And yet for folks doing an elimination diet or adjusting diet for a medical reason, those folks can be a godsend. If I was a good dietician, I‘d be so mad at someone like this. 2mo
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dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
ravenlee @Hooked_on_books yes! I‘ve heard about dietitians and nutritionists pushing vegan/paleo/keto/whatever particular diet they personally follow (I‘m a 28-year vegetarian, but I still wouldn‘t want it shoved down my throat, so to speak) and ignoring the reality of their patient‘s individual life and needs. I‘m trying to learn about a new diagnosis, sort out food sensitivities, and this junk is just muddying the waters. 2mo
Hooked_on_books Ug, that‘s so frustrating! I hope you find a good source that helps you get the info you need. 2mo
ravenlee @Hooked_on_books thank you. I‘m getting there, bit by bit. 2mo
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Well the Hollandaise sauce is good, but probably not the healthiest choice to start with!

I‘m in a Fibromyalgia episode right now so I‘m working on reducing inflammation. I‘m fortunate that I can often make changes to put this shit in remission, and I know that isn‘t everyone‘s reality. I‘m headed to workout with “American Street” soon.

JaclynW So sorry about your Fibromyalgia! Ugh! That hollandaise sauce looks great! I love your mug too! 7y
BookInMyHands @JaclynW Thanks! The mug was a gift from a friend and it‘s one of my favorites. 7y
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