Let's start February with some George Orwell books !!
Let's start February with some George Orwell books !!
I arrived home from work at midnight to find my father in law came round earlier and left me a book to read. He knows I‘m an Orwell fan and I haven‘t read this one. I am looking forward to it. It‘s fine on my massive to be read pile. It may be a while until I get round to it!
In reference to Mrs. Creevy's underwear... "They were the most chilly-looking garments that one could possibly imagine; they seemed to carry upon them, as no nun's coif or anchorite's hair shirt could ever have done, the impress of a frozen and awful chastity. The sight of them set you wondering about the late Mr. Creevy, even to the point of wondering whether he had ever existed."
I'm about five chapters in and dying to see whats down the road for pious Dorothy, I'm hoping she just goes wild and tells her Dad to stick it!
A cute haul from my fave little spot, "The Book Cafe", if you ever find yourself in Co. Wexford in Ireland you have to stop in for some cakes and classics!
Tom from the wonderful bookstore Artifacts in Hood River, likes to drop by Microcosm HQ with gifts and stories. Today he brought us fresh picked huckleberries and Orwell's novel about a woman finding freedom on a bicycle.