Read this a few years ago and really enjoyed. Kindle version available for free at Amazon today.
Read this a few years ago and really enjoyed. Kindle version available for free at Amazon today.
This was a book that did not happen as I expected. I assumed Miss Mabel would turn out to be something other than she was. Also, Bianca‘s skill was a bit of a surprise. I assumed this would read more like HP but it did not. I also thought it would read more as a middle grade book but was surprisingly better. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Book 14 of 2018: Really enjoyed this one and thinking about reading the the rest of the series.
“When you feel fear, never panic. Fear is an ally. It tells you something is wrong, like pain. Think through it and be calm.” #KatieCross #MissMabelsSchoolForGirls