I love this book! I would definitely want this in my future library for children! Great facts and fun illustrations!
I love this book! I would definitely want this in my future library for children! Great facts and fun illustrations!
This is a super fun nonfiction book! I would love to have this in my classroom! A child could open it to any page and learn fun facts about animals. I love the illustrations as well. a they bring the child‘s interest and are fun. I love that the book is written as a interview with the animals. It makes it so much fun to read and so many great facts to learn!
I love this fun set up of asking the animals and it's a cool different set up than traditional nonfiction.
Published in 2014 this nonfiction book is a cool way to incorporate informational text in the classroom. It's set up to ask the animals interesting questions about themselves. I think that's really fun and the illustrations are so colorful and captivating that they go along really well with the story.
This book was so cool! I loved the point of view! I think children would really love this and be very interested by it.
Creature Features is a piece of nonfiction by Steve Jenkins. It was published in 2004. This is basically an index of animals. It tells us about why certain animals have the characteristics they do. It‘s really neat because it is asked in a question and it is answered from that animals point of view. This is a book you can easily jump around in.
“I‘m not wearing a hat. Those are my feathers. When I‘m frightened, I fan then out to make me look larger and more intimidating.”
Creature features by Steve Jenkins is a Nonfiction book that was published in 2014. This book is about the different features that unique animals have. The book is a form of questions that are asked to the different animals. The book is trying to help humans see what other are like because we are never able to know what they are thinking. There are many cool facts and visuals in where certain animals live and eat.
A great book to read to children when talking about animals. I think children would really enjoy this book because it is written in the animal‘s perspective. This makes the learning fun and interesting.
Genre: nonfiction
This book was a very fun read. I love how the author puts the book in the animals‘ perspectives and how the animals answer different questions about themselves in a funny but informational way.
“Dear red fab parrot: Where did you get that funny hat?”
“I‘m not wearing a hat. Those are my feathers.”
The facts in this book are unique because they are in a way where the animals are talking about themselves. This is a really interesting book with very cool images of the animals.
Creature Features is a nonfiction book written by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page in 2014. This book is all about why animals look the way they do and what the purpose is for certain features. This book has a pretty large bibliography at the end which is important to take note of. I would definitely use this book in my class.
@MelAnn posted this