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Two Naomis
Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
16 posts | 9 read | 11 to read
A realistic contemporary story of two girls, both named Naomi, whose divorced parents begin to dateperfect for fans of Lisa Graff, Sara Pennypacker, and Rita Williams-Garcia. Other than their first names, Naomi Marie and Naomi Edith are sure they have nothing in common, and they wouldnt mind keeping it that way. Naomi Marie starts clubs at the library and adores being a big sister. Naomi Edith loves quiet Saturdays and hanging with her best friend in her backyard. And while Naomi Maries father lives a few blocks away, Naomi Edith wonders how shes supposed to get through each day a whole country apart from her mother. When Naomi Maries mom and Naomi Ediths dad get serious about dating, each girl tries to cling to the life she knows and loves. Then their parents push them into attending a class together, where they might just have to find a way to work with each otherand maybe even join forces to find new ways to define family.
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Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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Two from the TBR that #BeginsWith Two

Eggs Great covers 💜💙💗🤍 2y
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Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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Middle Grade I used this year.
Every year I use Charlotte‘s Web and Stuart Little
Every Summer I send home One Crazy Summer with families
I‘ll try to tag them all in the comments

#middlegrade @Chrissyreadit

TheBookHippie Fifty grade favorite 4y
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Chrissyreadit This helped- my daughter and I loved One Crazy Summer - she read it for Battle Of The Books so now I have a firm idea! Anything she read in those competitions were probably middle grade! 4y
LibrarianRyan @TheBookHippie Resistance was so good 4y
TheBookHippie @LibrarianRyan it‘s a huge favorite and I agree! I do have her new one here I need to read it the kids say it‘s good! 4y
LibrarianRyan @TheBookHippie didn't know she had a new one. Thanks 4y
mrp27 Love love the one crazy summer trilogy. 4y
TheBookHippie @mrp27 me too it‘s so good!!! 4y
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Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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This was an adorable look at post-divorce life, how it affects the children, and moving on and mixing families.

Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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I started liking this one. But somewhere along the way this kind of fell apart for me. Especially that ending.

I was annoyed more at the parents than at the kids. I wish parents showed more respect to kids in this story. They rushed everything and then struggled when the child did not reciprocate feelings. Either way, it's a pick b/c I'm happy stories like these exist.

Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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Wonderful story!

Notafraidofwords This looks super cute. 7y
TheBookHippie @Notafraidofwords I was surprised -pure joy to read! 7y
Lmstraubie I love how it was written from the two different perspectives. #audreyvernick just visited my school last week. She was FABULOUS!! 7y
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TheBookHippie @Lmstraubie I hope there's more from these two !!! Sooo good! 7y
Lmstraubie I believe there is a sequel in the works! 7y
TheBookHippie @Lmstraubie 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻yay!!! 7y
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Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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It was interesting to read this as an adult of divorced parents who didn't remarry. The truth is that there aren't instructions and it is probably impossible to not hurt someone in the process of moving forward. It is difficult to balance the needs of the parent with the needs of the children. What I like about this book is that there are no bad guys. I think everyone tries their best, but still mistakes are made. The ending bothered me a bit.

Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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I wish there was a rating between Pick & SoSo, like good. To me Pick means Excellent. This was good. It gave an interesting insight into blended families. I also like how the characters' differences in race played no part in the story. It just was.

Sjo_m I know what you mean about the ratings! Felt the same when I was rating the Night Circus!! 7y
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Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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Two & a half hour drive in the snow (if we're lucky) to my son's hockey game. Thank goodness for books! 🌨📚

BookishMarginalia That's commitment! Safe travels! 7y
Lmstraubie Thank you! ☺ 7y
Sjo_m Wow!! Be careful and enjoy the books!! 7y
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Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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I love how #harrypotter has become such a standard in book culture that this 2016 book includes this reference ☺

Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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#dressesoncovers Last read in preparation for #audreyvernick visit. Really enjoying her stories. This one was co-written by #olugbemisolarhuday-perkovich #teachersoflitsy

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Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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What a lovely way to spend Christmas afternoon finishing this. I appreciated the journey everyone made in this novel and loved the alternating POVs. The two Naomis were written really well; I was never left preferring one over the other. It served as a gentle reminder that there are always *at least* two sides to every story.
PS-Rhuday-Perkovich must have been a librarian or know some really well because those scenes were SPOT. ON.

Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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I was able to get in a little quiet time this morning with this lovely book. Rhuday-Perkovich is dropping awesome middle grade titles throughout this whole book...and here is one of my all-time favorites I get to reread soon for my kids book club at the library!

[DELETED] 1409720085 Love One Crazy Summer! ❤ 8y
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Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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Here's what I have checked out from the library right now + plus my #SecretSantaGoesPostal + a gift to myself, topped by my #currentlyreading. Annnnd I realize it's more of a #bookpyramid. Ah well. Peace on Earth and good books for all! #bookchristmastree #SeasonsReadings2016

RealLifeReading #bookchristmaspyramid 😁Merry Christmas!! 🎄🎁 🎅Here's wishing you plenty of good books and lots of quiet reading time! 8y
LindsayReads Thank you, @RealLifeReading ! Same to you! Nothing says Christmas like a pyramid! 😄 8y
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Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick
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Loving this middle grade novel about family, divorce, and new experiences. Naomi Marie is my childhood soulmate. Also, Gwen Ifill 😢

LiteraryinLawrence I've never heard of this but it sounds good! Stacking... 8y
LindsayReads @LiteraryinLititz It was published this year, but it hasn't gotten that much press. The chapters alternate between the daughters of a couple that has started getting serious. Recommended so far! 8y
Kimzey I miss Gwen Ifill. Such a loss. 😢 8y
LindsayReads @Kimzey Me, too. *sigh* 8y
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Two Naomis | Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Audrey Vernick

JUst finished this ARC- it's realistic fiction for middle grades. Great book for girls with awesome message of being true to yourself. The two Naomi's are so much alike- yet so different! To be released September 2016.