Page two of son‘s reading Harry Potter in first grade—12 years ago!!
Page two of son‘s reading Harry Potter in first grade—12 years ago!!
Since son is off to his first year in college, it‘s time to scrapbook first grade (I‘m a bit behind. But the nostalgia is worth the wait.). Anyway, here‘s my first grader reading Harry Potter. I don‘t know which book he‘s reading here, but he started the series before kindergarten started. And don‘t you just love the scrapbooking paper?
If I had gone to a boarding school, I would have wanted it to be Hogwarts. Or Beauxbatons, like Fleur Delacour.
Borrowed the book from my daughter for the photo 😊
#SchoolSpirit #boardingschool
Hogwarts was the best boarding school and I wish I could attend!
"Enemies of the heir, beware."
#harrypotter #chamberofsecrets #potterhead #bookworm #crossstitch #handmade #bookpouch #totefairie
Horcruxes or Hallows 🪄
Mrs. Weasley is such a powerful character in this series. Making Harry feel welcome in their home, showing up for him as family during the TriWizard tournament, and fiercely protecting him at the end of the book, she mothers him in a beautiful way.
“Mrs. Weasley set the potion down on the bedside cabinet, bent down, and put her arms around Harry. He had no memory of ever being hugged like this, as though by a mother.”
#TLT @dabbe
This was fun!! The bottom three are villains that frightened the life out of me as a child!! I‘m sure they meant the singular man in Bambi, I‘m using it to mean mankind. Also, if you‘re playing a fascist/Nazi automatic villain!! Missing from the list are my two favorite villains, Moriarty from Sherlock and Loki. (if you get redemption arc, are you still a villain?)
Care to play?
A fun read, loved the illustrated version, looking forward to Book 2. 🧙