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January Reads. Not much for me but I may be coming out of a year long reading slump.

Deblovestoread Nice to see you! 💜 6mo
TheBookHippie ♥️💕♥️🙃🙂♥️💕♥️ 5mo
sblbooks I'm glad to hear that!😀 5mo
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Black Cake | Charmaine Wilkerson
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kspenmoll Love this book hope you do too. 8mo
AnnR @megnews Thinking of you today and hoping the New Year looks brighter for you. 🎄📚🤗 7mo
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Remember Us | Jacqueline Woodson
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Firekeeper's Daughter | Angeline Boulley
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Same Daunis. Same.

TheBookHippie 🎯 9mo
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AnnR Good to see you posting here, Meg. 🌻 9mo
sblbooks Hugs🤗 9mo
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The Boxcar Children | Gertrude Chandler Warner
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The children make a swimming hole. They all go to work picking cherries for the Dr. And Henry wins a race. The dr seems to be trying to get them together with their grandfather without being conspicuous. What do you think?
Sorry I‘m not hosting so well. Have had a lot going on.

Roary47 No worries at all! I‘ve already finished at this point, but at the race he seemed to notice the connection. I‘m impressed with Henry‘s running, and it was nice that they provided a running outfit. I‘m also glad everyone was able to enjoy cherry picking and a good dinner. The adults really enjoyed the children with them. It‘s warming to know not all adults are like the bakers wife. (edited) 11mo
AnnR Sorry you have so much going on Meg. We appreciate you hosting this one.
About the story, I do think the doctor is trying to find a gentle way to reunite the kids with their grandfather. I guess Henry didn't quite put together who the gentleman was at the race or maybe he didn't remember him well enough.
julieclair Meg, you‘re doing a fine job! And thank you for hosting so we can all enjoy reading together. 💝 I do think the doctor and his wife are trying to look out for the kids without tipping them off. The grandfather seems like a nice man. Hopefully they will all be a big happy family in the end. 11mo
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TheAromaofBooks I had forgotten how much this book inspired me as a kid - we used to play “runaway kids“ all the time when we were growing up, and spent hours building forts. Our favorite was a large mulberry tree that had split and a chunk had fallen, creating a sort of natural tent where the honeysuckle vines grew up all over it. I'm really, really enjoying revisiting this one!! 11mo
Deblovestoread You are doing fine! I‘m am loving this trip down memory lane. 11mo
sblbooks No worries, you're doing great! The doctor is definitely trying to introduce the kids to the grandfather, slowly. 11mo
AnnR @megnews If you need to take a break from the buddy reads for a month or more, I'm sure we'll all understand. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory can wait, too. 10mo
sblbooks @Roary47 @AnnR @Deblovestoread @TheAromaofBooks @julieclair hey guys, I got an email from Megan a few days ago that she is not able to continue with the read along at this time. She wanted me to let you know. 10mo
sblbooks @Vansa @mrp27 @dabbe @BethM 👆 see the above comment. 10mo
Roary47 @sblbooks I‘m sorry to hear that. Sending good vibes and prayers to you @megnews 💛 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @sblbooks - Thank you for letting us know!! @megnews - we'll be here when/if you come back. Hope things smooth out in your life!! ❤ 10mo
AnnR @sblbooks, Thanks for posting the update. @Megnews, thinking of you and hoping things get better soon. {{{hugs}}} 10mo
julieclair @sblbooks Thanks for letting us know. @megnews , Sending lots of good thoughts your way, and hoping things settle down for you soon. 💝 10mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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I love coming across recycled artwork. The Pittsburgh Botanic Garden had some great displays and I loved this Bedtime Stories, a bed made from books.

julieclair So clever! 11mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Late August wrap up. Can‘t seem to keep up with anything lately.

The Boxcar Children | Gertrude Chandler Warner
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Ch 5&6. The children dig for treasure lake for their home in the dump and fix it up while Henry is away. Henry found a job. But there is another noise in the woods and we don‘t know what it is this time.

Roary47 I was tempted to keep reading to find out what that noise was. So glad Henry found a job and that they were able to find some items to fix up the boxcar. I‘m still worried about them, but am sure that it‘s not as dangerous then as it is now for kids on their own. 11mo
Deblovestoread So glad they have Watch to alert them but did he also alert whomever was outside? 11mo
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The Boxcar Children | Gertrude Chandler Warner
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From yesterday: Mystery solved! The noise in the woods was a dog that the children quickly befriend.

AnnR I was so glad it was a dog but then got worried the children would need to find a way to feed it. 11mo
julieclair I‘m so glad they now have a dog. I‘m sure they could use the extra dose of love a dog will give them. And also the extra layer of protection. 11mo
Roary47 I agree with @julieclair I also thought the dog was a good addition to their family to boost morale, but also like @AnnR says it‘s another mouth to feed. I‘m not sure what the long term plan here is. Naturally, reading this as an adult I think I‘m thinking too much. 😅 11mo
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julieclair @Roary47 I, too, am thinking too much. I loved this book as a child, but now I find it very worrisome. 11mo
sblbooks Benny gave the dog the cutest name.🐕 11mo
megnews I agree with everything above. 11mo
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Another walk down memory lane begins October 1. All welcome to join this chapter a day readalong.

mrp27 I‘m in! 11mo
AnnR I read it earlier this year. Please keep me on the tag list though and I'll try to join the discussion. 11mo
Enchanted_Bibliophile I'd also like to join you guys 11mo
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megnews @Enchanted_Bibliophile glad to have you! 11mo
TheAromaofBooks I'll probably sit this one out, but do let me know what you pick for November!!! 11mo
Roary47 I‘m also going to sit this one out, but interested in Nov‘s pick. 11mo
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The Boxcar Children | Gertrude Chandler Warner
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Chapter three ends on a cliffhanger after Jessie finds a boxcar for their home and Henry goes to town for milk. Who is in the woods?

sblbooks I know who it is because I read ahead. I won't tell.🤐 11mo
AnnR At least they have shelter. @sblbooks- I just had to find out if it was a Friend or Foe in the woods, so I read ahead too. 🙂 11mo
Roary47 I‘m wondering how close the town is? I‘m just worrying a lot about these kiddos. 😢 11mo
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The Boxcar Children | Gertrude Chandler Warner
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I‘m sure glad the kids got away from that awful baker‘s wife.

sblbooks Me too! Like some have said before, these kids seem so much more mature and responsible than today's kids. I guess that's to be expected since this book is almost 100 years old. 11mo
Ahw06 Omgness what a flashback! I used to love that series when I was a kid! ☺️ 11mo
Roary47 This is just my adult brain, but is there really water fountains on the edge of the woods? Was this a park with woods behind it? That fountain in the middle of no where gives me questions. Lol 11mo
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TheAromaofBooks @Roary47 - I'm wondering if the fountain is actually on a spring? With horses as the most common mode of travel, maybe it made sense to build a water trough/drinking fountain someplace where water was naturally coming out of the hillside? 11mo
Roary47 @TheAromaofBooks That‘s true. This is a part of history that would be interesting to know. I wonder if this type of thing still exists. 🤔💭 11mo
TheAromaofBooks @Roary47 - I tried to look up some pictures, but had trouble figuring out the right key words to find what I wanted haha These are the kinds of details that I just accepted as a kid reading this book, but wonder more about as an adult reader!! 11mo
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The Boxcar Children | Gertrude Chandler Warner
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Little late posting our first day. I was on the road earlier. In the first chapter, we meet siblings Henry, Jessie, Benny, and Violet as they stare hungrily at bread in a bakery. They tell the baker‘s wife their parents are dead and they don‘t want to go to their grandfather. The baker‘s wife wants to keep the 3 oldest to work for them but plan to take Benny to the Children‘s Home. The kids overhear and leave in the middle of the night. 👇🏻

megnews What different times we live in! 11mo
AnnR I don't know anything about this book series; didn't even read the book blurb. I'm wondering if the children are being completely truthful. What a sad situation though. They seem very resourceful and responsible for their age. I'm listening to an audio version which helps differentiate the kid's voices. 11mo
julieclair Different times indeed! I do wonder where Henry came by the $4.00 he has in his pocket. Will we ever find out, or is this the kind of detail that a child reader wouldn't even think about? 11mo
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Deblovestoread I can‘t resist joining in for this buddy read if that‘s ok? I so wanted to be a Boxcar kid when I read these oh some many years ago. 11mo
sblbooks What a relief they overheard that conversation. Get out of there as quick as you can kids.That woman is bad news. I read The Boxcar Children- Beginning, last month . I'm really enjoying the series, so far. 11mo
Roary47 I‘m so excited to start this book/series. As a kid I was a struggling reader and this is one of the series I wanted to read, but was too intimidating to even try. In my head I didn‘t see it starting out so sad for the children. (edited) 11mo
BarbaraJean @megnews You can go ahead and take me off the tag list for this book. I just have too much else on my reading calendar this month! But do please tag me for future books—I‘d like to see if I can join in for any of the others. 11mo
TheAromaofBooks So crazy to me that they decided they could just keep three kids and get rid of the “spare“ - would the children's home have cared?? 11mo
megnews @Deblovestoread of course! So did I 11mo
megnews @BarbaraJean will do! 11mo
megnews @TheAromaofBooks I feel like they‘d just be glad to not have the other three mouths to feed. 11mo
AnnR @megnews - I recently changed my user name to @AnnR (previously, Ann_Reads). If you could please update your tag list, I'd appreciate it. Thank you. 🙂 11mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Charlotte‘s eggs hatch but most of her babies take off on the wind. Three stay behind and Wilbur tells them of how he and their mother were such great friends. 😭
The End

Roary47 I just keep thinking about Wilbur wanting them all to stay. He is such a kind hearted creature. I‘m glad there was a few that stayed. Where does a new born spider come up with that name for A? Honestly, only heard of it in this book. 😅 11mo
dabbe #allthegoodfeels 💙🖤🩵 11mo
mrp27 All the good feels indeed. From heartache to happiness. I always loved that charlottes family stayed with Wilbur and always would. 11mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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The worst chapter. Charlotte just be left behind at the fair. At Wilbur‘s pleading, Templeton brings her egg sac down to the crate to return to the farm with Wilbur.

AnnR Every once in a while, I'd feel a bit sorry for Templeton. Then his nasty attitude would come out and any empathy would disappear. Poor Charlotte, though. The saddest chapter. 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Even with the heavy foreshadowing, this chapter absolutely blindsided me as a kid!! SO sad!! 11mo
Roary47 Her little wave to say goodbye. 😭 11mo
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dabbe And she waved with the last strength she had. #sob 😭 11mo
sblbooks This was so sad, and she couldn't even go home.😢🕷🕸 11mo
mrp27 Such a sad scene! 11mo
julieclair So very sad. And Charlotte was an elegant lady right up to the end. 11mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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My how times have changed. Wilbur wins a special prize and Fern doesn‘t even stick around to see it.

AnnR Even with the reread, I was a little surprised how uninterested Fern seemed in Wilbur's award. (edited) 11mo
mrp27 Yes, Fern lost interest quickly. Always broke my heart her interest didn‘t last long. 11mo
dabbe She also got on my nerves asking her mom for money again and again--right in the middle of Wilbur's big moment! 11mo
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TheAromaofBooks Honestly that part of the story was unbelievable to me. That Fern would start to not want to spend all her time at the barn makes sense, but completely ignoring Wilbur during his big moment - that just doesn't vibe with her character. 11mo
Roary47 @TheAromaofBooks @dabbe @Ann_Reads @mrp27 I think that her interest was gone because she was around others. I find my students tend to be different people around their family and then their friends. So since she was in a public place she needed to show her “cool” side. She likely deep down was there for him. This is pretty characteristic for that age group I think. I dunno could be wrong, but a play I watched of this showed Fren in this light. 11mo
julieclair Yes, very disappointing that Fern acts this way. 11mo
TheAromaofBooks @Roary47 - I hadn't thought of it that way before, but I could see if someone had teased her about spending so much time with the animals that she would be more sensitive about it. 11mo
dabbe @Roary47 Good read on that age group. Appearances matter so much then. 😍 11mo
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School Trip | Jerry Craft
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I just love Jerry Craft‘s graphic novels. I‘m excited to hear New Kid is being made into a movie!!

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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All the stars! I had to finish. This is a childhood story that will always live in my heart and a classic that will never die. It is the perfect story.
Thank you to the group that discussed it with me. It made the rereading even more enjoyable.

sblbooks Thanks for the invite! This is my first time reading it. 5⭐ 11mo
Roary47 I might finish it today too. It‘s a re-read, but I could read this one again any time. When was the boxcar children going to start? Tuesday? I need to make sure I have the first book. 11mo
Vansa Thank you for this! Lovely read 11mo
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mrp27 Thanks for hosting, I finished early too! 11mo
megnews @Roary47 not til sept 1. So you have a little time 11mo
AnnR I also finished early, as I used listening to the audio version as an incentive to ride my exercise bike. Thank you for hosting, Meg. 🐖🕷🕸 11mo
julieclair Thank you for choosing this. What a delight. 11mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Wilbur awakes to find a tired Charlotte and her magnum opus-an egg sac full of 514 eggs! Templeton returns after a night of gorging himself on fair food with bad news about Uncle pig next door already winning. Humble Wilbur gets another buttermilk bath and is called to the stage for a special prize.

sblbooks I had no idea spiders gave birth to so many at one time. 11mo
megnews @sblbooks me neither 11mo
TheAromaofBooks I love Charlotte, but the idea of 514 spiders at once is a little terrifying 😂 11mo
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Roary47 @sblbooks Right?! I was thinking that too. @TheAromaofBooks when Wilbur mentioned all of them running around I was thinking of a few horror movies I‘ve seen. 😱😭 11mo
AnnR @Roary47 🙂😱😁 11mo
mrp27 I was so mad at Templeton breaking the news like that! 11mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Templeton has a blast at the fair and brings back the word humble for Charlotte‘s web. There were a couple pics of Templeton but I had to include this one from the last chapter. This quiet night between Charlotte and Wilbur is so sweet.

Roary47 I like how humble is the last word. It depicts Wilbur so well. 11mo
sblbooks I love that quiet night scene as well, Meg. 11mo
julieclair I did get a hoot out of Templeton‘s wild night at the fair! 11mo
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Kick | Walter Dean Myers, Ross Workman
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Finished this audiobook on my metropark walk today. I always like Walter Dran Myers. His writing is so relevant to youth, not shying away from tough topics. . This one had a bit of a mystery to it too.

AnnR Pretty photos. 🌸 11mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Everybody runs off to enjoy their favorite parts of the fair.
Are you a fair goer? I went once in 6th grade and sneezed 100 times in a row and my eyes swelled shut. Needless to say, I haven‘t been back. 😞

Roary47 We are a small town so ours is pretty lame. We see the animals and eat the food. The line for the cinnamon rolls wraps around the building for good reason! In the story I forgot how grumpy Uncle was. I‘m glad Wilbur is a kind and friendly pig. 💛 11mo
sblbooks I enjoyed going to the mountain state fair when I was younger. I loved the animals, food and the rides. It's been several years since I've been. It's harder to get around since I injured my ankle and can't walk as well. This is a fun chapter, but I'm worried about Charlotte. 11mo
Vansa Yes, when I lived in a small town! First ( and last) time I ever went on a Ferris Wheel- we call them giant Wheels here. It was super fun at first and then I was terrified and spent the rest of the ride crying. My poor dad kept trying to comfort me and tell me it would be over soon😂 11mo
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dabbe We used to go every year because my husband's mother always entered her crafts and baked goods. She won numerous blue ribbons, and it was always the highlight of her year. 💙🎡💙 11mo
mrp27 Growing up every year we would go to the LA County Fair. But being Los Angeles there wasn‘t much focus on animals or baked goods as it was pretty large. I loved the rides and all the snacks of course. 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Oh yes, I was a big into 4-H so fair week was a huge deal. We pretty much lived there, and even stayed the nights in the dairy barn some of the time. So many good memories!!! 11mo
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A WWII book with a focus on the Polish Resistance saving banned books. Finished just in time for the authors visit tonight.

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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Wilbur gets a buttermilk bath in preparation for the fair. Charlotte and Templeton tag along clandestinely. At first Templeton refused until he found out what a rat smorgasbord a fair can be.

AnnR According to info I found online, the use of milk baths dates back to Roman times. Buttermilk in particular contains a high amount of lactic acid, which has exfoliating properties. Given the price of a quart of buttermilk, I don't think I'll be trying this anytime soon. 😋

sblbooks I'm glad Charlotte was able to tag along, so Wilbur won't be lonely at the fair. 11mo
mrp27 Interesting about the buttermilk. Was always glad charlotte made the trip with Wilbur and even though Templeton and I have different food tastes I was even tempted by the idea of all the fair food. 11mo
megnews @Ann_Reads I seem to recall a book I read years ago with a woman who washed her face with buttermilk. But I can‘t think which book 11mo
Roary47 @Ann_Reads thank you for the research. I was curious about if it helped with Wilbur not getting red. I‘ve always been to fair and seen all the pigs were sunburnt. I‘m not sure exfoliating would help in that regard. 11mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Lots of foreshadowing in this chapter as Wilbur and Charlotte think ahead to the fair. Wilbur begs Charlotte to go but she won‘t make any promises.
Photo from tomorrow‘s chapter.

Roary47 I like that Wilbur can do tricks and is still be kind to everyone. All the attention doesn‘t cause him to be full of himself. 11mo
TheAromaofBooks This is one of my favorite illustrations from the whole book. I just love all the prize ribbons 😂 I also loved hearing what each character was dreaming about - Mrs. Z dreaming about a deep freeze, been there! 😆 11mo
megnews @TheAromaofBooks I loved the dreams too! 11mo
mrp27 Naturally as kid reading I never saw the foreshadowing of what was to come. Now as an adult I can see it in every chapter. 11mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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“Children pay attention better than grownups.” I like Dr Dorian, his outlook, and his advice to Mrs Arable.

Roary47 I didn‘t catch what type of doctor he is, but he seems like a therapist. I like that she went to ask questions. I also like how he said he is suppose to know everything, but he doesn‘t and that‘s okay. 11mo
AnnR Agreed. Good advice from a doctor, for once. Having said that, I kinda wish EB White hadn't made a female character the nervous neurotic worrier, while all the male characters are kinda like, oh, just chill out. 11mo
TheAromaofBooks I absolutely loved Dr. Dorian - “the web itself is a miracle.“ I love it!! 11mo
mrp27 Good advice from the dr and spot on about the miracle being charlotte and the web. 11mo
megnews @TheAromaofBooks @mrp27 100% agree about the miracle of the web. So much in nature is a miracle 11mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Charlotte spins another web and people come from far and and wide to see the terrific pig. Templeton goes on his hunt in the dump and after 2 failed attempts, finally finds a word Charlotte can use for her next project. Charlotte sings Wilbur to sleep. They have such a sweet friendship.

BooksNBowls This is my childhood all in a book 🥲 11mo
mrp27 I loved how White described Charlotte spinning the web and how she she doubled the lettering so it would stand out. One of the chapters in which I liked Templetons sarcasms and stubbornness. 11mo
Roary47 @mrp27 This is my favorite part of this chapter too. A spider web is really a work of art. All spiders master a technique and it is amazing. I also had some chuckles with the words Templeton had a first: “Crispy” 😂 Nope, not that one! 11mo
megnews @mrp27 yes I like his character at times as well. @Roary47 yes, those first choices weren‘t going to do Wilbur any good! 😂 11mo
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Enjoyed some delicious wild blackberries on my #audiohike yesterday

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Meeting of the minds. Charlotte holds a meeting to get her new ideas for her web to save Wilbur. We find she‘s as annoyed as some of us with Goose‘s repetitive nature. Templeton arrives late with no intention of helping but threats about future missing slops convince him otherwise.

Roary47 I laughed out loud at Charlottes roll call for the Goose and goslings. 🤣 Saying something along the lines of: Well this is turning into a large meeting. She was so frustrated. Poor Charlotte. 💛 12mo
mrp27 That was a pretty funny scene with charlotte calling the meeting. I like how she employs everyone to help so every one feels important and needed. 11mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Charlotte puts her plan into action and astounds the Zuckerman‘s. Even as a kid, I agreed with Mrs Zuckerman that it seemed they had some spider as opposed to some pig.

AnnR @megnews Agreed, that Charlotte is the exceptional one. I was thinking this must have been a challenging illustration to draw, while trying to make it look realistic. 12mo
Roary47 I forgot that they were so distracted by Charlottes web they forgot their farm duties. Plus the church even did a sermon involving it. Crazy! It is a miraculous sight and helps Wilbur, but to forget the rest of your life around you seems strange to me. 12mo
mrp27 Charlotte is some spider alright. 12mo
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I‘ve been off WWII books for a bit but decided to read Martin‘s for a library author visit. I enjoyed the first one. This one - if you haven‘t read many in this time period you will like it. If you have, it will feel like so many of the others. The librarian title drew me in. While there were some parts that stood out, for the most part I wasn‘t interested enough to give it a really close listen.

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Avery was just being a boy but also kind of got what was coming to him for messing with Charlotte. But the poor barnyard animals having to smell that ghastly rotten egg! 🤢 🤮

mrp27 I remember this scene well from reading as a child. The rotten smell was so vivid in my mind. 12mo
Roary47 I hope the smell didn‘t last too long for the poor animals. 😢 12mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Oliver James is a truck driver on tiktok who had some learning disabilities and never learned to read in school. He is teaching himself to read and started a book club on tiktok. Coincidentally, he is currently read Charlotte‘s Web.

DivineDiana This is fantastic! 📚 12mo
Tamra How awesome! 12mo
AnnR Really admirable. 👍📚 12mo
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IamIamIam I don't use TikTok but this may actually push me to get started!!! I love this!! 12mo
Roary47 How cool! Good for him. 🥰 12mo
dabbe #allthegoodfeels 😍😍😍 12mo
RebL His videos can be so happy & so bittersweet all at the same time. 12mo
mrp27 Love this, so awesome. If I were on tik tok I‘d join. 12mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Wilbur tries to spin a web but finds he‘s not properly equipped. Lamb insults Wilbur and Charlotte fiercely defends him. As night sets in Wilbur remembers his fear and talks to Charlotte again. She promises she is coming up with a plan to save Wilbur.

AnnR Charlotte gives some thoughtful advice that could apply to the rest of us; “never hurry and never worry.“ 12mo
mrp27 Agreed, great advice for everyone. The animals always seem to pick on Wilbur. 12mo
Roary47 I thought this is really cute! Wilbur is just a piglet, so he‘s like a little kid who believes anything is possible. I agree with @Ann_Reads we all need to find time to slow down. @mrp27 it‘s sad that Wilbur gets picked on, but at the same time I think they are trying to prepare him for the world. I‘m sure baby animals have to grow up a lot faster than us. Especially, those in nature. 12mo
julieclair I was proud of Wilbur for really trying to spin a web, and a bit surprised, too. That took bravery and spunk! 12mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White

Short chapter today. No picture. But the mystery of whether Fern can understand the animals is solved. It appears she can. And Mrs Arable is concerned enough about it to want to take her to the doctor. Mr. Arable thinks Fern is fine.

Vansa I love how easily and nonchalantly White eases you into a world that's not fantastical, with Fern being able to understand the animals! 12mo
megnews @Vansa completely agree! 12mo
AnnR @Vansa A really apt comment. Fern understanding the language of the animals just seems perfectly normal, the way White presents it anyway. I agree with Mr Arable's comment that maybe Fern just listens harder than the rest of them. :-) 12mo
mrp27 I totally forgot that Fern can understand the animals and I love the way White explains it. 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Yes!! I was so interested to see my question from yesterday answered lol I was glad that Mr. Arable was so chill about it. 12mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Wilbur learns the awful truth of his Christmas fate and Charlotte makes a bold promise. “You shall not die.”

Should sheep have shared this bad news? Should Charlotte make such a promise?

AnnR Probably no on both counts, but then that wouldn't make for a very dramatic story. Poor Wilbur. Sheep was being awfully mean. 12mo
Vansa Definitely, sheep should have told him! Wilbur has a right to know, even if sheep was doing it to be mean! 12mo
TheAromaofBooks It also seemed like Fern understood what the sheep was saying - does she understand the animals' language? I had forgotten that part of the story! 12mo
Roary47 I agree with @Ann_Reads that sheep probably shouldn‘t have told him, and Charlotte should not have made such a promise. However, there comes a point when we need to learn hard truths like the one Wilbur had gotten. @TheAromaofBooks I noticed that too! She was at least intrigued that the animals were talking to each other. 12mo
mrp27 I agree, probably no on both counts but the truth is always best. 12mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Congratulations to Goose and Gander on the arrival of their 7 goslings. This chapter evoked the feeling of peaceful summer days gone by - other than the further character development of Templeton.

Roary47 The thing I appreciated more, reading this as adult this time around, is the description of the smell of a rotten egg. Sometimes my ducks hide their eggs well and they pop in the summer heat. 🤢🤧😵 12mo
mrp27 Another great display of the circle of life! Ahh Templeton. He was always a character I had liked and disliked. As a young kid he kind of scared me. When I got older I found him kind of funny. 12mo
AnnR Templeton still creeps me out. 12mo
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dabbe Whenever I think of Templeton, I think of the 1973 movie and him singing “A fair is a veritable smorgasbord“ in Paul Lynde's voice; it cracked me up! 🤣 12mo
megnews @mrp27 agreed 11mo
megnews @dabbe me too! And we‘re almost there! 11mo
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The author has put together a timeline of his travels through previously published magazine articles. Some brief, others a bit longer, I lingered over this one reading a chapter a day.

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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Wilbur and Charlotte meet. Wilbur learns about spiders‘ dietary habits and they have their first disagreement of sorts. Goose foreshadows Wilbur‘s fate. Speaking of goose, as a kid, I loved her stuttering repetitiveness. What do you think?

sblbooks Wilbur finally finds out who was talking to him. I'm glad he has a friend now. The repetitiveness of goose kind of aggravates me. How cute is this illustration. 12mo
AnnR Sorry, goose annoys me a little, partially because she is a trouble maker. As an adult, I don't care for the repetitiveness. The audiobook really brings attention to it. I did have to chuckle that the gander has very few lines, lol. (edited) 12mo
mrp27 I‘m enjoying the goose, stuttering not bothering me. Glad too Wilbur finally has a friend and as cute as he is hope the whining stops! 12mo
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dabbe Is it awful of me to think that if I saw a cobweb like that I would scream and then get my husband to get rid of it? Glad Mrs. Zuckerman is bolder than I am! 😍 12mo
TheAromaofBooks I always enjoyed the goose's rhythm of speaking when I was a kid and read this book, so I like it now haha I also like the little lessons to young readers about the importance of spiders in the circle of life!! 12mo
Roary47 I guess a don‘t mind either way about Goose stuttering, but I always felt that Goose was a bully. As an adult Goose does try to get Wilbur to think differently and be wise to the world around him. I also like the importance of spiders portrayed here like @TheAromaofBooks mentions. Spiders are so important to our lives. Like it said in the book, we don‘t want flys everywhere! Spiders help bring that population down. 🥰 12mo
megnews @sblbooks @Ann_Reads @mrp27 @TheAromaofBooks @Roary47 I agree with those who find Goose to be a bully, or maybe just a highly opinionated string female character. Oddly, while I find the repetition annoying I also enjoy the particular words White chose for it. It‘s something about the sound of the words for me. 12mo
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A solo travel book and a discussion of the benefits of alone time.

BkClubCare I love travel alone, wandering and chasing whatever fancy appears in my path. But usually it is a day in a city with the hub working - not me going somewhere exotic by myself. Tho, I am not opposed. 12mo
TheLudicReader I really enjoyed this book when I read it a few months ago. 12mo
squirrelbrain I loved this one too. ❤️ 12mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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ShyBookOwl Omg can't wait to read this to my little guy! 12mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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I had to laugh at a pig planning out his day and with such hour by hour detail. Poor Wilbur can‘t find a friend to play with when Fern can‘t visit.
Did anyone else notice the illustrations are by Garth Williams, the same illustrator of the Little House Series? Truly delightful.

sblbooks Yes, I did notice it was the same illustrator. Poor Wilbur needs a friend. The hour by hour breakdown made me think of the Grinch.😂 12mo
AnnR Poor Wilbur has been spoiled by Fern. :-) 12mo
julieclair I‘m so glad you‘re posting the illustrations each day. They are delightful! I‘m listening on audio, so I don‘t get to see the illustrations. But the audio is read by E.B. White himself, so it‘s a treasure! 12mo
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mrp27 I‘ve always loved Williams illustrations. Reading Wilbur plan his day made me chuckle but I never realized how whiny he was. 12mo
Vansa I found this such a perfect chapter for kids- nobody wanting to play with you is such a universal feeling! 12mo
Roary47 Wilbur has definitely been spoil by Fern. Planning out his day is cute, but also maybe to keep his spirits up since he doesn‘t get to talk to anyone. 12mo
megnews @Vansa so true! 12mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Wilbur soon gets bored of wallowing in mud all day and misses his adventures with Fern. Egged along by goose, he finds an escape route and freedom! But he‘s so overwhelmed by the big world he‘s not sure what to do and quickly gets caught by Mrs Zuckerman who alerts the men. Against the goose‘s urging Wilbur is lured into the barn by the smells of slop. EB White‘s writing is so good. He incorporates the sense of smell a lot.

sblbooks Wilbur shouldn't have listened to Goose.😂 This was an entertaining chapter. 12mo
megnews @sblbooks goose was definitely a troublemaker- in keeping with a goose‘s character 12mo
sblbooks @megnews a troublemaker for sure. 12mo
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TheAromaofBooks I loved the happy barn description!!!! I've spent a lot of time in old barns, and White really captures that so well. 12mo
mrp27 Agreed, White is so good. Reading as an adult I still got a smile and a chuckle. Great chapter full of humor and description. What a talent. 12mo
Vansa I found it interesting that Wilbur had a sort of chance at freedom...and decided not to take it.Like a kid who wants to run away till.the end of the road, I guess! 12mo
AnnR I'm following along but basically looking at illustrations in each chapter. Now I couldn't imagine the story without the pictures.This one screams “chaos reigns“ lol. Wilbur seems easily influenced by his new farms friends but not terribly brave, especially the fear of facing an empty tummy. 12mo
julieclair This was such a fun chapter! I thought it was so sweet that Wilbur decided he really was too young to be out on his own. 💙 12mo
Roary47 @Vansa I agree, while I agree with everyone else in the humor. It is interesting that Wilbur is given an out and is drawn back in quite easily. I don‘t think at this point he sees the danger in listening to his farm friends like @Ann_Reads mentions, leaving to fend it on his own, or stay and risk being dinner. 12mo
Vansa @Roary47 yeah, i actually thought White introduced just a shade of darkness into the scene,with the farmers saying he would " make a good pig" and Wilbur feeling warmed by the phrase, little knowing what that implied! 12mo
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The Boxcar Children | Gertrude C. Warner
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My next childhood reminiscence read is The Boxcar Children. Anyone who would like to readalong is welcome.

Roary47 Yes!!! I‘ve been wanting to read these for forever. I‘m game! 🥰💛 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Oh YES!! This has been on my reread list forever!! 12mo
sblbooks Yes, please! This is another one I've never read before. 12mo
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AnnR This looks like a fun one I've never read before. Looking forward to the discussion. Thank you, Meg. 12mo
BethM Yes yes yes! 12mo
Vansa Oh wow I remember this so we'll 😀 12mo
mrp27 I won‘t be doing this one. But keep me in the loop of what‘s coming next! 12mo
julieclair I‘m in! I remember loving this book! 12mo
megnews @julieclair me too. Read it multiple times. I was a big rereader as a kid. Not so much anymore. 12mo
megnews @mrp27 will do 12mo
julieclair @megnews I‘m not a big rereader anymore either. I think it‘s the “so many books, so little time” syndrome. 12mo
megnews @julieclair yes that‘s definitely my reasoning. 12mo
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The Last Bookshop in London | Madeline Martin
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At my most recent library book discussion, the librarian mentioned author Madeline Martin would be a guest speaker in August. I was trying to put WWII fiction aside for awhile. But I was pleasantly surprised how I came to truly care about these characters and their plight during the London Blitz. Next up: Martin‘s The Librarian Spy. Hoping to finish her newly released The Keeper of the Hidden Books before the event in two weeks.

The Last Bookshop in London | Madeline Martin
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dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 12mo
Cuilin Beautiful 😍 12mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Fern grows more attached to Wilbur but inevitably, as he grows, he begins to eat more. Mr Avery has no Intention of feeding a pig. He must be sold. Fern‘s mother recommends she call her Uncle Homer to see if he‘d buy the pig. And so Wilbur goes to live just down the road where Fern can still visit. How will the separation go?

Vansa That illustration ❤️❤️❤️ 12mo
julieclair I think it will be fine, since they are just down the road from each other. Fern‘s mother came up with a good plan! 12mo
sblbooks @Vansa I know... so cute🐷 12mo
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AnnR It's good Fern's mom intervened. Such a cute graphic but I couldn't imagine pushing a piggy around in a baby cart, even an adorable little one. (edited) 12mo
mrp27 A perfect plan for all involved but I was always surprised Fern was ok with this. 12mo
AnnR @mrp27 I had a similar reaction. Plus it was surprising Fern's uncle agreed to pay for the runt of the litter, even if the price was cheap. 12mo
Roary47 Just a girl and her pet pig. 🥰 12mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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EB White knows how to write a first line and chapter that hook you from the beginning. As a kid, my strong sense of justice had me connecting with Fern from the first lines. What were your thoughts on the opening chapter?

kspenmoll 💙💚💜 12mo
Vansa I was amused that Fern felt that way though,she lives on a farm and eats bacon! Surely she's used to animals being culled? 12mo
AnnR @megnews You can keep me on the tag list, if that's okay. Even if I don't reread this one, I'll happily follow the discussion. (Or I might just miss you all and decide to join in. 🤗) 12mo
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dabbe @Vansa And the irony of this line: “[T]he room smelled of coffee, BACON, damp plaster, and wood smoke from the stove.“ 🙃 12mo
dabbe Did I read this right: “Avery grabbed his gun and another doughnut. The children ran out to the road and climbed into the bus.“

So, Avery took his gun on the bus to go to school? That wouldn't go over in this current school climate! 😳
mrp27 I was always curious about that too. How can you eat bacon and then cry injustice? Such is a child‘s whim. But I do understand how heartbreaking it is to slaughter an animal just because it had the unfortunate luck to be born small. 12mo
megnews @Ann_Reads will do! Since you reread it not too long ago you can probably easily join in the conversation 12mo
megnews @dabbe such different times! 12mo
TheAromaofBooks @Vansa @dabbe - Fern is pretty young and it's emphasized that she's up early that morning - I wonder if this is just the first time she's aware of this aspect of farm life? She definitely seemed a bit dramatic!! 12mo
julieclair @dabbe I‘m listening on audio, and wondered if I‘d heard that wrong! Very different time for sure. 12mo
sblbooks @dabbe That definitely would not happen today. I couldn't have lived on a farm. My grandfather raised cattle and that was hard enough. ( I lived next door) 12mo
AnnR It's Thursday and I just came across a full cast audio version, so decided to 'reread' it after all. @Dabbe and @julieclair You definitely read and listened to that passage about Avery correctly. Yikes! (edited) 12mo
Roary47 @Dabbe @julieclair and @Ann_Reads Right crazy!! @Vansa @mrp27 I agree my kids are growing up with us harvesting chicken, so wondering why she is objecting. However, I‘m wondering if maybe she is used to they growing up to be dinner. Like Wilbur is a piglet, not full grow, so in her mind this might be the injustice? Being young maybe she has not witnessed the ruts not always making it. 12mo
megnews @Roary47 good point. It could be that the pig isn‘t even being killed “for a good reason” (food) in her mind but just because it‘s too small. 12mo
Vansa @Roary47 that's an interesting perspective, and her anger at that is probably what is driving her to protest! 12mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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20 books in July. Much better reading month than the last few

kspenmoll 🎉🎉🎉🎉 12mo
Littlewolf1 That‘s awesome 12mo
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