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Joined April 2016

Formerly LiteraryinLawrence and LiteraryinLititz. Too bad my current town doesn‘t start with L…Opening a bookstore in Media, PA this fall!
The Examiner | Janice Hallett
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Hallett‘s books are always a crazy ride! This one wasn‘t my favorite but I still liked it and flew through it. The style of telling the story through emails, texts, memos, reports, etc is fun to read between other denser books.

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It‘s getting realer every day! I‘ve moved to PA, my lease started on the storefront, and I‘m making decisions every day that are getting me closer to actually opening the bookstore. 😳😬😁 A few months ago I shared a different logo but this is the one I chose, designed by the lovely @BennettBookworm 💗. So around November, Bookish Notions will open in Media, PA and online! I‘ll post the link when it gets closer in case anyone wants to see!

Lesliereadsalot I love it! Really conveys the beauty and surprises of books. Well done! 4d
Deblovestoread How exciting! 💜 4d
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TheSpineView Lovely!💜💜💜 4d
CoffeeK8 Very cool! Congrats! 4d
BekaReid so exciting! Thanks for keeping us posted on the progress. I'll definitely find a time to mosey that way once you're open!! 4d
BarbaraJean SO exciting!! This logo is lovely--and it's also my favorite color 💜 😊 4d
Suet624 Wonderful!! 💕💕 4d
Blerdgal_Fenix Congrats 🎊🎉 4d
Librarybelle Yay! Congratulations! 4d
BennettBookworm 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 4d
mabell How pretty! Great job @BennettBookworm ! 4d
BennettBookworm @mabell ❤️❤️ 4d
MaureenMc 🎉🎉🎉 3d
Meshell1313 Absolutely love it! Hope to take a road trip and visit it one day! 3d
TieDyeDude Huzzah! 💪 2d
TheLudicReader I am so excited for you! 2d
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The Saturdays | Elizabeth Enright
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Thanks to @AvidReader25 for putting this on my radar last month! What a completely charming book about 4 siblings sharing their allowance so they can each have a solo adventure one Saturday a month. The book was written in 1941 but still resonates today. I‘ll look forward to reading more in the series about the Melendy family! 💗

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4d
AvidReader25 Oh yay! Wasn‘t it just delightful? 😊 2d
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Winterhouse | Ben Guterson
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Magical, puzzle-y, and set in a whimsical hotel with a strange history, this middle grade novel would be perfect to read in the winter. The main character Elizabeth normally lives with her unkind aunt and uncle, but they send her away for the holidays and she doesn‘t know why (or how they can afford it). An adventure ensues and along the way she finally meets some people who like and value her. And she gets up to some mischief!

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Here is my September #bookspinbingo list! I‘m already reading numbers 2, 6, and 15 as carryovers from last month. I‘m excited to see where they fall on the bingo board! @TheAromaofBooks

Now that I‘m a member of a new library (since we moved last week), I plan to make frequent trips and have already put in lots of holds! 😁

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2w
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The Dutch House | Ann Patchett
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August was a good reading month for me and I got 3 bingos! Tagged is probably my favorite book from the month. Now on to September!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!!! 2w
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TFW you realize you have accidentally picked up your third book in a row about twin sisters! 😂 I just gasped!

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The Grammarians: A Novel | Cathleen Schine
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I have no idea why this sat on my shelf unread for 5 years, but once I picked it up it was a really fast read. It‘s a novel about identical twin sisters, both of whom are really into grammar/linguistics from a young age, and the family that surrounds them. I liked it. I kept thinking it was a true story, probably because the last book I read WAS a true story about identical twin sisters. But whether fiction or memoir, it was a solid story.

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I read this after seeing the recent review by @Brooke_H and it was a fast and interesting read about identical twins who were adopted by different families and only learned of each other as adults. The writing is chronological and told in alternating diary entries (ish) of both women. I found it fascinating.

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I still have acute vertigo, like yesterday, so all I can do is sit in bed with my head stationary. (I have a PT appointment later and I really hope that helps). I just read this in one sitting, and I‘m not sure if my lukewarm feeling is on the book‘s merits or the circumstances. The main character is a cypher, so I didn‘t connect to him. But I don‘t think you‘re supposed to. At 227 pages there wasn‘t a lot of room for character development.🤷🏻‍♀️

willaful How uncomfortable! I hope you feel better soon. 3w
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3w
marleed I can‘t imagine vertigo. I‘m so sorry for you! 🥲 3w
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Someone in the book world referred to this as “the book of her career,” so naturally I had really high hopes. This just… wasn‘t very good. I agree with @jlhammar that the writing itself was clunky, and the characters didn‘t feel genuine in their emotions. Then the last 10% became outrageously sci fi, but not in a “that‘s so clever I never saw it coming” way. More like “that‘s impossible and I don‘t buy it, this is stupid” way. Bummer!

AvidReader25 Perfectly said! Maybe my hopes were too high. 3w
Leftcoastzen Oh wow , on my TBR. Sounds like it may slip off my TBR 3w
tpixie Bummer my library hold just came in. 😳😬😲 3w
jlhammar Discussed this with my book club earlier this month and most of the group enjoyed it more than I did. I was kind of surprised to see this on Obama's summer reading list! (edited) 3w
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Fun! I liked this book more than the first one in the series and thought the audio was well done. The narrator constantly breaks the fourth wall to talk to the reader and help them try to solve the crime. I didn‘t solve it but I liked all the twists!

Today I‘m in bed with a nasty bout of vertigo, which I haven‘t had (thankfully) in over a decade. So it was a perfect time to finish up this audiobook, and I‘ve got another one cued up on Libby. 💗

Librarybelle Hope you feel better soon! 3w
Jeg Vertigo is the pits. I‘ve had it on and off since 1989. Hope you are feeling steady today. 3w
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Apprentice to the Villain | Hannah Nicole Maehrer
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I‘m attending an author event today through Looker Books in Coatesville, PA! The first book was super fun and fantasy-y and I‘m excited to read the sequel, which is now signed!

We just moved to PA yesterday, but I had registered for this event before the move was scheduled. Unpacking is going well, the cats are settling into the apartment, and now I‘m one step closer to opening my bookstore in Media!

Yay for shared bookishness!

Graciouswarriorprincess How fun! 🤩 4w
kstadt929 I want to come visit your store 😂✈️ 3w
LiteraryinPA @kstadt929 Thanks!! As we get closer to store opening time I‘ll for sure post updates. 💗 2w
BennettBookworm Author event, how cool!! 5d
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Check & Mate | Ali Hazelwood

No one is more surprised than I am to learn that I hated this book. I liked the concept of a romance within competitive chess, but the MC Mallory is so idiotic that it pained me to listen. My eyeballs were going to roll back in my head for all the times I scoffed at her cluelessness. Every chapter she was newly confused as to why Nolan (who fell in love with her the first time they met for no apparent reason) was spending time with her/saving 👇

LiteraryinPA Things that remind him of her/literally kissing her/spending time with her family… but she‘s like, “what could this possibly mean?? I don‘t understand!”Jeez. It‘s been a while since a book got me this annoyed. 1mo
BooksNBowls Her books aren‘t for me either! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1mo
Suet624 Great review. 🙂 1mo
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Husbands | Holly Gramazio
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I‘m about 100 pages into this and it‘s a fun, light read so far. I don‘t usually like alternate reality books (they freak me out!) but the main character isn‘t taking things that seriously as her life is changing with each different husband, so I‘m not stressing about it either. Having a chill moment with Zoe but then I need to buckle down with packing… not my favorite thing but I need to power through so I can move to PA and start my bookstore!

bookandbedandtea 1- your tattoo is awesome! 2- PA is apparently the right place to open a bookstore 😉 1mo
JenniferEgnor Which part of PA? 1mo
rubyslippersreads I‘m sure Zoe will help with packing. 😹📦 1mo
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CatLass007 I agree with @bookandbedandtea that your tattoo is awesome. I‘m not sure I agree with @rubyslippersreads about Zoe helping with packing. My kitties always want to be in the box or suitcase to make sure they don‘t get ignored. They‘re not particularly helpful with making beds either. But Zoe is a doll.😻 1mo
Lesliereadsalot Wasn‘t this book so funny? I loved the ending. 1mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
Hooked_on_books That‘s so exciting that you‘re starting a bookstore! If I was in PA, I‘d totally shop there! 1mo
PaperbackPirate Happy Packing! 📦 1mo
rubyslippersreads @CatLass007 @LiteraryinLawrence Okay, maybe I should have put help in quotes. 😹 (edited) 1mo
CatLass007 Why did you choose to move to Pennsylvania to open your bookstore? I think it would be fabulous if you posted in progress photos and comments on Litsy! I remember years ago after I left New York and moved in with my parents for “a few short months” to regain my health and figure out what I wanted to do next, that I read an article advising people to research and decide where they wanted to move and then figure out what sort of work to do. (cont)⬇️ 1mo
CatLass007 It sounds like you made those decisions concurrently. Maybe I see a road trip to Pennsylvania in my future. Is there anyone from East Tennessee, Southwest Virginia, or northeastern North Carolina who‘s up for that? Okay, a little more seriously, I think this: https://batteryparkbookexchange.com/ sounds like an awesome idea and if I could convince someone(s) to go I would agree to be the designated driver.😁 1mo
LiteraryinPA @bookandbedandtea @JenniferEgnor @CatLass007 @Hooked_on_books @PaperbackPirate Thanks for the enthusiasm! The bookstore will be on the main street (State St) in Media, PA. A lot went into choosing the location, some personal factors and some market research. Media is the type of downtown that should have a bookstore but doesn‘t… yet! 😁 1mo
CatLass007 I wish you much success!! 1mo
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The House of Glass | Sarah Pekkanen
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Oooh, creepy and good! This was a recent #botm selection and I liked it a lot. This is my 6th book by Pekkanen and I think she consistently writes great thrillers!

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🧡🐾🤍 1mo
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So, so thought provoking and interesting. I read Daniel Mallory Lavery‘s first book Texts from Jane Eyre when he was Mallory Ortberg, and the trademark humor and broad literary references were present in this latest essay collection. If you are Catholic and better acquainted with Greek mythology, you will get even more of the allusions than I did. Lavery examines everything from a transmasc lens and generously shares many insecurities and joys.

LiteraryinPA Note that some printings of this book, like my library‘s copy, list the author as Daniel Mallory Ortberg. The very last essay explains that close to the publication of the book, he separated from his given family and marked that by taking his wife‘s last name, Lavery. 1mo
IuliaC 😻 1mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
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Run | Ann Patchett
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Absolutely beautiful in its character development. I wish it had been longer. This has been the summer of Ann Patchett for me. I‘m so glad I finally got on board!

Lesliereadsalot I‘ve loved every book she has written! 1mo
BiblioLitten Her character development is just 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 1mo
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Swim Team | Johnnie Christmas
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Following up on the Olympics, I read this middle grade graphic novel about a Black girl who overcomes her family‘s historic discomfort with swimming/pools to compete on her middle school swim team. The story was good, and I liked the intergenerational friendships portrayed in the book, but I really didn‘t connect with the art style. And one plot point was so ridiculous it was distracting. It was hard to really enjoy the reading experience.

The Dutch House | Ann Patchett
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What a beautiful book. At its heart are close siblings Maeve and Danny and the story of their lives. The titular house is a mansion in the Philly suburbs where they grow up. In the sweeping nonlinear narrative you get to know them so well. Like Tom Lake, it‘s just a quiet story of a life, but told in such a compelling way. I‘m discovering that I really like Ann Patchett! And for the part I listened to on audio, Tom Hanks was just perfect. 💗💗

dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 1mo
TheLudicReader Just such a beautiful book. 1mo
BiblioLitten I love this book!! 1mo
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I agree with other Littens who have pointed out that the ending is more compelling than the earlier parts of this book. It felt like for a long time not much happened, though some of that became more interesting once you learned the twists. Overall, I liked but didn‘t love this book. It was cool reading in the Acknowledgements that the main house in the book is modeled after a real house where the author lived in college!

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
rubyslippersreads 🧡 the way everything on this photo is color-coordinated. 😸 2mo
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All by Myself | Mercer Mayer
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While some of the books I read as a kid haven‘t aged well (in my opinion), these are just as enjoyable to read today and I will definitely stock them in my store! 💗

Bookwormjillk Love Grover 💙 2mo
marleed Oh funny, I gave my son‘s son a copy of Goodnight Gorilla last summer for his 1st birthday because my daughter‘s 2.5 yo twins crack up and demand that book (still do 1 yr later!). My son thought the book was weird. I told him, oh just you wait - your son will prove you mistaken! 2mo
Jeg I love them all. 2mo
Billypar My favorite Grover book from when I was a kid. Maybe why I like museums so much as an adult? 1mo
LiteraryinPA @Billypar Oooh, somehow I missed that one growing up! I‘ll have to read it now! 1mo
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Library Lion | Michelle Knudsen, Kevin Hawkes
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As I continue my project of vetting picture books for my bookstore, here is my favorite of this batch! Even though Library Lion was written in 2006, I find the story and illustrations delightfully nostalgic, reminding me of going to my local library in the 80s and early 90s. A new favorite!

yourfavouritemixtape Oh I love this one! 2mo
Jeg When I was volunteering in the school library after I had retired from teaching , I used to read this to the kids and introduced them to a big lion that the librarian had. He sat on the shelf and watched them. They loved him. 2mo
LiteraryinPA @Jeg Awww, that‘s so sweet! 2mo
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Magic for Liars | Sarah Gailey
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Hmm. I expected to like this more than I did. The ending was fairly satisfying, but I didn‘t love the characters (especially the main character) or think the magic was fleshed out enough. Oh well! At least I read it quickly. 🤷🏻‍♀️

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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Magic for Liars | Sarah Gailey
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From my August 2024 #bookspin list, I‘m determined to start with the tagged book because I‘ve had it out from the library for over a month. I‘m really excited for all of them, really! I wanted to find a way to get “credit” for all the picture books I‘m vetting lately for my bookstore, so I added 2 slots for 20 picture books each. And a few mood reads from the library and that I own, as usual.

Any favorites on the list?

BarbaraJean I really liked Magic for Liars as well as The Ministry of Time! And I really want to read Greta & Valdin and Shark Heart 😊 Happy BookSpinning! 2mo
marleed That‘s a great idea to create a stack of picture books for a challenge category! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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Couldn‘t put it down! I was completely drawn into this multiple timeline story of a rich family, the summer camp on their grounds, and 2 missing children investigations 14 years apart. I felt the smallest bit let down by the last 75 pages, but that could just be me. I‘d still give it 4.5 stars though, and I want to see what else she has written!

I have one lingering question that I‘ll put as a spoiler, for those who have read it.

Graywacke Book sounds fun, but your cat‘s tuxedo is gorgeous. 2mo
LiteraryinPA So on Barbara‘s mural she painted the initials of her + John Paul. But when she snuck out each night, was she going to see him or learning survival skills from TJ?? Because John Paul was actually spending time with Annabel, right? And Barbara and TJ set John Paul up by planting evidence? So I guess my question is, why did Barbara paint their initials together? 2mo
Suet624 Seriously! That cat! 2mo
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Mimi28 😻😻🩷🩷 2mo
BarbaraJean Your cat does not seem so impressed by the book. 😆 I'm so impatient for my library hold to come in on this! I loved the tagged book by Liz Moore and also really want to check out more of her books. 2mo
squirrelbrain I wasn‘t sure if she had been having a relationship with JP and was upset when they split up, or whether she was just setting him up because she didn‘t like him / his family. 2mo
LiteraryinPA @squirrelbrain I know, me neither! 2mo
Megabooks I‘m not sure either re: what you and @squirrelbrain are discussing!! 2mo
AlaMich Sweet tux! 😻 2mo
Lindy I haven‘t yet read God of the Woods but I thought one of earlier novels was pretty good: 2mo
BarbaraBB That whole mural thing was a weak point for me. It contained the solution but you have no idea why she wrote those initials. Too convenient to my taste. @Megabooks @squirrelbrain 2mo
TheKidUpstairs I think adding his initials to the mural was part of the set up, but you're right that wasn't entirely clear. Like @BarbaraBB I found the mural to be a bit of a weak spot, but I'll forgive it because of the rest of the engaging story (and covering up the mural brought us the delightful pink drip on the cover!) 1mo
TheKidUpstairs I think adding his initials to the mural was part of the set up, but you're right that wasn't entirely clear. Like @BarbaraBB I found the mural to be a bit of a weak spot, but I'll forgive it because of the rest of the engaging story (and covering up the mural brought us the delightful pink drip on the cover!) 1mo
BarbaraBB That‘s true! That drip is a beauty! 1mo
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I have never added an extra book to my #botm box, but I was really excited about the choices and decided to go for it! The tagged book was my main pick, and then I added the latest thriller by Pekkanen (I always love her books alone and in her writing pair). Also, lately I‘ve seen such rave reviews for All the Colors of the Dark that I had to see what the fuss was about! So excited for all 3!!

Thanks for the rec @marleed @NikkiKey94 @Breanne1 !

NikkiKey94 I hope you enjoy All The Colors of the Dark! You‘ll have to let me know what you think! 2mo
Breanne1 I hope you enjoy reading All the Colors as much as I did, enjoy! 1mo
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Red, White and Royal Blue | Casey McQuiston
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Awww! This was exactly the adorableness I needed this weekend! Especially now, it was cool reading about an alternate timeline in which a female Democrat, the main character‘s mom, won the presidency in 2016. I loved how his relationship with Prince Henry blossomed and the ways they unlocked each other‘s best selves. Just all the warm fuzzies for this one!

Cupcake12 The movie is really good too x 2mo
Leftcoastzen 😻cuteness! 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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First Lie Wins: A Novel | Ashley Elston
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Oooh, this was fantastic!! So much more going on than a typical thriller. It was fun trying to keep up with all the twists and turns and I was really rooting for the main character. Highly recommend!

Librarybelle I liked this one! 2mo
MallenNC I enjoyed this one a lot too. 2mo
BennettBookworm Thanks for the rec!! 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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Familia | Lauren E. Rico
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Hmm. I didn‘t love this. Everything was a little too cheesy for my tastes and I knew the plot points long before they happened. Both main characters sort of annoyed me. I had been building this up for months, but it didn‘t meet my expectations. Oh well! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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A Flicker in the Dark | Stacy Willingham
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This was soooo good! I thought I had things figured out but I was so wrong!! Definitely a well above average thriller.

Thanks for the giveaway @ImperfectCJ !

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes! So good 🖤 2mo
Leftcoastzen 😻 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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I picked up this book on a whim when I walked by it at the library. It‘s more abstract and stream-of-consciousness than my usual fare. It‘s “about” the daughter and granddaughter of an Irish poet, and what they inherit from him (not in the literal sense). And there are lots of birds throughout. At times it felt profound and at others it felt nonsensical, but I was along for the ride and didn‘t try to force too much linear realism on the language.

cariashley 😻 2mo
dabbe I think da kitty is reading it as #tokillawren 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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I must not be in a graphic novel mood lately. 🤷🏻‍♀️ This story was fine but it just didn‘t grab me that much. It might be me and not the book, though. I think I‘ll try some non GNs for my next few reads.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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This is a graphic novel version of the original YA novel. I had trouble relating to it. It was about a girl who joins a new school in high school and is bullied by a girl who doesn‘t even know her. The girl, Yaqui, beats her up really badly. The whole book centered around that. I‘m lucky in that I never experienced that at my schools. I don‘t always read about characters like me, of course, but this one felt particularly hard to connect with.

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Spy Camp | Stuart Gibbs
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Fun! A story from a series about a middle schooler who is at a special school for spies. This episode takes place at the mandatory wilderness training over the summer and involves different generations of spies. It reminds me a bit of the Framed! series by James Ponti.

The Last Word | Elly Griffiths
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Fun! There was some good misdirection in this book which featured the charming characters from The Postscript Murders. Harbinder Kaur, the DI, was not a big focal point of this one, and I would have liked to see more of her. This story was very literary, taking place around the world of publishing, writing retreats, book clubs, etc. I liked it and was surprised by the ending!

At the pool on a (finally) cool day. Better for reading than swimming!

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Untitled | Unknown
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Fingers crossed! I *might* have good news to share soon about landing a storefront for my bookstore!! 😬

My job ended a week ago, so I‘m ready to start this next adventure!

peaKnit 🤞🏻🤞🏻 2mo
BookmarkTavern Good luck! 🍀 2mo
Ruthiella Great news! 2mo
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Lindy Best wishes! 🍀 2mo
Jari-chan Good luck!!! 2mo
RohitSawant That‘s fantastic! Good luck! 2mo
kspenmoll So exciting! Wish I lived close enough to visit! 2mo
Tamra 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 2mo
Cupcake12 Oooh keep us posted! 2mo
dabbe #woohoo! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
Suet624 How wonderful! Good luck. 💕 2mo
Librarybelle Hooray!! Good luck!! 2mo
MaureenMc Good luck! 🍀 2mo
Meshell1313 Awesome! 🎉🙌 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau Oh yayyyyy how cool!!!! Good luck and keep us posted!!! 🤞🏼🍀 2mo
Aimeesue Hooray!! Good luck! 2mo
Chelsea.Poole Nice logo! Good luck!! 2mo
Jess I can‘t wait to see where the shop is going to be! So excited for you. 2mo
BennettBookworm 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 2mo
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I liked but didn‘t love this book. Both characters- the slumping ball player and the reporter doing a story on him- were easy to like, and there was no real mystery that they were going to get together. And then things just kept going well… I guess it felt a little one note because of that? Not that I wanted bad things to happen to them, but the book didn‘t have much to propel it forward.

Swing | Audrey Meeker
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I‘ve read a lot of middle grade graphic novels, and this one wasn‘t a favorite. It stayed too on the surface with each character where there were opportunities to be more nuanced. And the art style didn‘t grab me that much. 🤷🏻‍♀️

The Dutch House | Ann Patchett
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Here is my #bookspin list for July! I‘m really excited for everything on my list. Two of the books I already finished today, so maybe they‘ll be on the same row once the board comes out tomorrow!

I tagged one of the books on my list because I am only an hour into the audiobook and I‘m loving it so far. Tom Hanks, please read all my books to me!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
AmyG I loved The Dutch House. Enjoy! 3mo
BennettBookworm Yes, Tom Hanks, now I want to hear this, too! :) 2mo
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Assistant to the Villain | Hannah Nicole Maehrer
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I‘m so glad I stuck with this one, and now I need the sequel! For the first few chapters on audio, I was really not liking this. But as soon as I switched to print the characters really came to life. I love how much of a badass Evie is while also being cute and lusting over her boss. And the Villain‘s inner monologue is really cute too. The book is campy and fun and at times gross (just for shock value) and has heart. 💗 But what a cliffhanger!

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Katie the Catsitter | Colleen AF Venable
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Ha, what a fun graphic novel! Katie wants to go to summer camp with her friends, so she raises money by doing odd jobs in her apartment building. When she starts cat sitting (for her neighbor‘s 200+ cats!) things get zany, especially when super heroes get involved. I would read more of this series. 😋

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I went with this one for my July #botm because I‘ve heard great things! It sounds like a book I‘ve read before but we‘ll see how this author covers that topic. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Sociopath: A Memoir | Patric Gagne
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Very interesting! I‘m glad I read this book as I didn‘t know much about sociopathy.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This one was very interesting 🤔 3mo
Leftcoastzen 😻👏 3mo
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I‘m glad I finally read one of Hazelwood‘s books! I liked the academia setting and a lot of the banter. The FMC annoyed me in some ways but overall I thought it was a good book.

mcctrish I do like the banter too 3mo
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Oh, Phoebe and Marigold. 💗💗💗

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I thought this was good but not great. A middle schooler named Gemma who is 6 feet tall struggles to fit in at school and is shouldering taking care of her family since her mom left. She and her brother really love baseball, and that‘s at the heart of this graphic novel. I didn‘t really connect to the characters, and the whole thing was a bit bleak. But not bad. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Sincerely, Harriet | Sarah Winifred Searle
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What an unusual, nuanced graphic novel. There‘s nothing juvenile or simple about this story. No easy morals or cliches. It‘s a story about a teenager named Harriet whose family has just moved, and how she spends the days while her parents are working multiple jobs. The circumstances are revealed slowly and even at the end there is a lot that isn‘t spelled out. I would recommend this for adults as well as teens. Very thought provoking.

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It‘s always a good time for a little Phoebe and her Unicorn. 💗💗💗 Just such a delight.

BennettBookworm I really need to read these!! 2mo
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As much as I love Everything, Everything and The Sun is Also a Star, this book didn‘t do it for me. For 75% of the book it was slow and one dimensional. The preachy main character annoyed me and the plot was stagnating. Then at the end it suddenly took a surreal, horrifying turn which certainly woke me up but was completely out of sync with the rest of the book. I think there was a good book in this idea, but I wasn‘t a fan of the execution.

BennettBookworm Didn‘t even realize there was a new book by Yoon, but thanks for saving me the time! 2mo
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