Finished this yesterday with a slice and wine. I‘ve been diving into Nordic Noir. This was alright. I liked it better by the end. Between and pick and so-so for me.
Finished this yesterday with a slice and wine. I‘ve been diving into Nordic Noir. This was alright. I liked it better by the end. Between and pick and so-so for me.
This felt like a productive reading month. I read 9 books and made a good dent in my TBR. No bad books this month. I enjoyed everything 📚
This was a really good book. I liked the writing style and really enjoyed all the characters. I figured out what happened to Ida pretty early on, but that didn't diminish the fun of watching the story unfold. This is the sixth book in the Konrad Sejer detective series. So far I have only read book 3, He Who Fears the Wolf, and this one. I enjoyed this book even more than the other one. This is a series I would like to continue reading.
My Easter Sunday plans. Digging into this Norwegian thriller.
Made a trip to the used bookstore today. This is what I picked up. I could have spent a lot more time there but my arms were getting full 😝
Geweldige thriller! Details zijn zo mooi geschreven dat je vanaf pagina 1 al een ongemakkelijk gevoel krijgt waardoor je door MOET lezen!
Meisje v 10 komt niet thuis na boodschap. Getuige ( of dader?) die niet kan ( of wil) spreken..genoeg voor politie inspecteur om zich in vast te bijten