Almost finished the book; one more short walk should do it. I did discover though that there are 4 more Will Lee books, which I didn‘t know, so Deep Lie will probably be up next. #audiowalk
Almost finished the book; one more short walk should do it. I did discover though that there are 4 more Will Lee books, which I didn‘t know, so Deep Lie will probably be up next. #audiowalk
Still enjoying this book. I don‘t read Woods‘ Stone Barrington novels, but I do like the older ones. I think this is my longest walk this year. #audiowalk
More Grass Roots. I keep forgetting about the murders in this book because of the political storyline, which is good, but it‘s easy for the murders to fall by the wayside. #audiowalk
This is another old Stuart Woods novel that I liked; it features the son of a character in Chiefs. #audiowalk