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Joined May 2016

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Again, I needed something a little lighter than Possession, so I started this as my alternate #audiowalk book. It‘s the first in a series. So far, it‘s fine, but I haven‘t determined if I like our main character, 37 year-old Julia, yet. She quit her job as the manager of her father‘s tv show because she was mad at him for remarrying too soon after her mother‘s death, but now she‘s mad at the person who took that job. 🙄

kspenmoll I enjoyed this, but Julia‘s emotional responses to situations such as her dad‘s remarriage etc is immature esp given her age. It‘s read this, so am wondering if listening makes a difference with voices, inflection, etc. 22h
KathyWheeler @kspenmoll If she were a teenager, I‘d get it, but she‘s a middle-aged woman, so it‘s irritating. The narrator of the audiobook is good; it‘s just Julia. 12h
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Apple Die | Chelsea Thomas
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A day late, but since @Kimzey tagged me, I‘ll do it.
1: imagination is not my strong suit, so it‘s just my name.
2: Walk, drive, wind down at night. That‘s pretty much when I listen. I get distracted if I try to listen while doing other things.
3: Apple Die was my nighttime book, and I just finished it.
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Thanks for playing 🥳🥰 1d
Kimzey @KathyWheeler Yay! Thanks for playing! And I was a day late in tagging you. 1d
BethM I think a lot of us early days folks went with our names 😂 1d
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I thought I‘d walk outside for a bit, but it started to lightning, so I walked 1 mile outside and 1 inside. After I‘ve finished this book, I may watch the movie again to see what I think of it so close to reading it. #byattbuddyread #audiowalk

Fatal First Edition | Jenn McKinlay
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This is my nighttime book, but I wanted something lighter than Possession, so I listened to it instead. I picked it up because Brooklyn Wainwright, from her own series (which I also listen to) appears at the beginning and evaluates a book for Lindsey. I walked outside; it didn‘t rain, but when I was going home, it started to lightning. #audiowalk

lynneamch Thanks! New author for me. I generally look for lighter listening and many of hers are available on Libby. Starting with 5d
KathyWheeler @lynneamch I know she‘s got a few other series too besides this library one, but I haven‘t read them. 5d
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I like the addition of Christabel‘s & Ash‘s letters and poems, Ellen Ash‘s journal, and an excerpt from Lenora‘s book. I‘m finally settling into the rhythm of the audiobook. Only 82° this evening! #byattbuddyread #audiowalk

Graywacke I love all the quotes and excerpts and poems too. Byatt was having fun. Lovely walk 7d
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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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The narrative structure in this book is very different, and there are quite a number of different points of view. At different points, even crows and olive trees provided input on the story. I really enjoyed it. Thanks #SheSaid — I might not have read it otherwise. It was actually in the high 70s after the rain today, so I got to walk outside. Continued with Possession after I finished Stone Blind. #byattbuddyread #audiowalk

Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Perseus is an idiot; I totally get why Athena is annoyed by him. I‘m not sure what I think about the alphabet sisters telling the story of his approach to Medusa. The olive trees narrating part of the story is an interesting technique. #audiowalk

Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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I love the crow in this book; he‘s hysterical! Poseidon is probably the most petulant god in this book, and that‘s saying a lot. The rec center is nice later in the evening — not as many people there. #audiowalk #SheSaid

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I‘ve read 20 of these and didn‘t care for two of them (The Goldfinch and The Plot Against America). There are also several on the complete list that I have no interest in reading.

Modern Mrs. Darcy‘s gift link: https://modernmrsdarcy.com/links-i-love-461/

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I also didn‘t care for The Goldfinch.. 2w
TheBookHippie Didn‘t like Goldfinch either! 2w
KathyWheeler @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheBookHippie I can‘t remember the last time I was so bored reading a book. I did finish it, but I‘m not sure why. 2w
TheBookHippie @KathyWheeler I went on and on and on….. 😫😝 2w
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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It‘s a good thing I decided to walk instead of swim. About 5 minutes after I got to the rec center, it started thundering and lightning. I‘ve now caught up to the schedule for #byattbuddyread and think I‘m finally getting used to the audio. #audiowalk. Our giant Maine Coon, Wash, is playing with little George.

Ruthiella 😻😻😻 2w
Texreader ❤️❤️❤️🐈‍⬛ 2w
Tamra 😘 2w
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Today I split my walk between indoors and outdoors, so the map is for the first half. I‘m getting a little bit better at keeping the characters straight in the audiobook. #audiowalk #byattbuddyread

Possession | A. S. Byatt
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It was only 85° today at 6:30pm, so I walked outside, finally! I‘m not sure Possession is the best book to listen to instead of read in print or as an ebook. If I hadn‘t read this book before, I‘d have a little trouble following it. #audiowalk #byattbuddyread

Bookwormjillk Yay!! 2w
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1: Supernatural and Buffy
2: Go to the Head of the Class (like an early kid‘s version of Trivial Pursuit) and Parcheesi
3: Ready Player One was the first book that came to mind for this.

Eggs Great choices! Thanks for playing 😍 2w
TheLudicReader No matter how many times you watch Buffy, it‘s always a masterpiece. 2w
JessClark78 Supernatural and Buffy 🖤 2w
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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Started this book this evening for my #audiowalk book — I‘m alternating between it and Stone Blind. I read it when it first came out and loved it. So much of it was familiar from my own grad school in British Lit (Victorian) days. I‘m finding that I still enjoy it. No map today — it was 90° F in the shade at 6:30pm, so I walked at the rec center.

Cuilin Loved this book. 3w
Graywacke Lovely. Nice sculpture ( #byattbuddyread 🙂 ) (edited) 2w
KathyWheeler @Graywacke Thanks for the hashtag reminder! 2w
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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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I‘m reading this for #SheSaid. I love mythology, and there are some takes on the characters that I really like, but I just cannot get behind the depiction of Athena. She‘s the goddess of wisdom, but she‘s a real brat. I had to walk outside this evening because the rec center was closed; at least it was only 86° at 7:00pm and there was a breeze. #audiowalk

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This light and warm-hearted book was quite the change from The Forever War! The story of a group of nuns trying to save their old convent from being sold is told in a series of letters from Sister Boniface to another nun, Sister Emelda, who is working in South America. It‘s a lovely book and was just what I needed. #NunLitQuarterly

jlhammar Oh good, I could use a lovely read. Excited to get started! Did you see that there is a sequel? 3w
KathyWheeler @jlhammar No, I didn‘t. Thanks! 3w
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The Forever War | Joe Haldeman
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I thought I was going to hate this because of the extremely outdated and unrealistic views on gender and sexuality, but I ended up not disliking it. The antiwar stance is an interesting take in a military sci-fi novel, and watching Earth‘s society change drastically over the centuries because of the time dilation experienced by Mandella was fun. I haven‘t decided if the ending is a hopeful one or not — it could be either.

Ruthiella I liked the open ending. I like to ponder the possibilities. (edited) 3w
KathyWheeler @Ruthiella I liked it too. 3w
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The Forever War | Joe Haldeman
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Well, the depiction of gay people in this book is certainly interesting, to say the least. Here‘s a picture of George trying to become a bed cat. She wants to sleep with us, but our Maine Coon already does that. He‘s so big that there‘s no more room. #audiowalk

Ruthiella Oh, poor George! 😻 4w
Sace I love your audio walk posts. I wish I had such interesting routes. Poor George! 4w
KathyWheeler @Sace Thank you! I‘ll be glad when it cools down a bit though so I can go back to walking outside. That said, this is a nice track; there‘s bikes, rowing machines, and ellipticals in nooks, so you can change up your workout if you want. 3w
KathyWheeler @Ruthiella she‘s so pitiful. 😄😊 3w
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The Forever War | Joe Haldeman
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More indoor walking because it was rainy all day. I‘m not really all that interested in battle descriptions, but now that they‘ve been through some and are headed back to Earth, the story could get more interesting. There are already some thought provoking elements; I hope there‘s more focus on those. #audiowalk

The Forever War | Joe Haldeman
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Although I got this to read for #ClassicLSFBC, I‘m just now starting it as my new #audiowalk book. I think I might like it, but so far I‘m a little appalled by the sexism. Women are “compliant and promiscuous“ by law? Talk about taking away our bodily autonomy! Join the army — get raped. Yay.

Ruthiella Yeah. There‘s a few things that haven‘t aged well in this one. 4w
KathyWheeler @Ruthiella I see! 😳 4w
Bookwomble That was a real "WTF!" moment, for sure! 2w
KathyWheeler @Bookwomble Yes, it was! 2w
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Mostly this felt like Judith, Susie, and Becs just ran willy-nilly all over Marlow accusing half the town of the murder until they finally got it right. Judith and Susie, in particular, were obnoxious, trampling all over everyone‘s rights because they were police consultants. No walking map because I walked on the rec center‘s indoor track. #audiowalk

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I think the reason I don‘t like this series as much as Thursday Night Murder Club is that these characters, especially Susie, jump to conclusions and make up scenarios that they then run around accusing everyone of until they finally land on the correct theory of the crime and the right criminal. There‘s no real basis for why they think a person is guilty, and that‘s annoying to me. #audiowalk

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 1mo
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This series fills The Thursday Night Murder Club niche, although the characters are a little more annoying than those from TNMC. I do enjoy it though. This time Judith, Susie, and Becs are investigating the murder of Marlow‘s mayor. #audiowalk

Smoke and Mirrors | M. E. Hilliard
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Low end of the pick scale, but that could be a me issue. I‘m easily bored by books about financial crimes, and there‘s a lot of that here. After 3 books where Greer Hogan dances around the edges of her husband‘s murder, in this book, she finally focuses on it and learns more about herself in the process. This is my least favorite in the series.

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While I‘m glad I read this for #nunlit, I didn‘t like it as much as I wanted to. Love the LGBTQ+ representation, but didn‘t like Sister Holiday that much, although I could get used to her. She makes many seriously dumb decisions. There are a couple of scenes with a character, Nina, that I didn‘t see the point of. Many of the secondary characters aren‘t that well-drawn. Mara Wilson, however, did a great job narrating. #audiowalk

jlhammar I started print and I‘m not sure what to make if it yet. Very noir. I might switch to audio. 1mo
KathyWheeler @jlhammar I really did like the narrator. 1mo
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Dead Man's Hand | James J Butcher
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This was a fun listen. It‘s hard not to compare it to the The Dresden Files since its urban fantasy and James J. Butcher is Jim Butcher‘s son. I like Grimsby, our hero, and his relationship with Mayflower, the gruff former member of the magic department. Magic is approved by the government, and the department polices it. The book is set in Boston, but it could be set anywhere since Butcher hasn‘t provided the book with a real sense of place.

Dead Man's Hand | James J Butcher
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We took a trip to the beach today. It was very windy, the surf was high, and double red flags were out — all because Tropical Storm Alberto was stirring up trouble in the Gulf. We‘ve only got an hour left in Dead Man‘s Hand, so we need to pick a new road trip book. I listened to more of Scorched Grace on my #audiowalk

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It was so much cooler today (89° F) with a bit of a breeze, so I actually walked around 2:00 instead of 7:00pm. We‘re getting a lot of backstory here as opposed to mystery solving. That‘s probably because it‘s the first of the series. Sister Holiday has some anger issues she needs to handle. #audiowalk #nunlit

jlhammar Looks like a pretty walk. I‘m planning to start this very soon! 1mo
KathyWheeler @jlhammar it‘s the Japanese garden near where I live. It‘s very nice, but I rarely walk there because there‘s usually a lot of people — it‘s a popular place for people to get prom, graduation, engagement, and wedding pictures taken. 1mo
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This was my first Mitch Albom book, and I liked it. He says in the author‘s note, that he wanted to tell a different kind of Holocaust story, and he managed that. The setting alone — Greece — is unusual. I never think about Greece being invaded. The story being narrated by Truth, although reminiscent of The Book Thief‘s narrator Death, is interesting. Albom ruins the story a little at the end, and one action by a character was predictable.

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I wasn‘t feeling fantasy today, so I started Scorched Grace for #nunlit. So far, I‘m liking it and especially like our main character, Sister Holiday. I‘m starting to have to walk in the evening because it‘s just too hot during the day to walk outside, which I prefer to walking at the rec center. #audiowalk

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I was in the mood for some fantasy, so this is my new #audiowalk book, but I‘m going to do it a little differently. I have the print version as well, so I‘ll read that at home sometimes. I went swimming today for the first time in over a year and was able to swim 1800 yds without a problem. Yay, me! 😊

Malice: A Mystery | Keigo Higashino
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This ended up in a place I really wasn‘t expecting., but all the clues are there. I‘ll definitely read more in this series. The narration was a little odd, but once I got used to it, I realized it made sense for these characters and this story. #audiowalk

For the Love of Friends: A Novel | Sara Goodman Confino
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This had been my night time listen, but I don‘t know if I can finish it. It‘s funny in places, but the amount of body shaming, body hatred, ageism, and abuse by friends and family in the name of weddings is just too much for me.

kspenmoll 😱 1mo
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Dead Man's Hand | James J Butcher
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No #audiowalk today; instead we took a trip to coastal Mississippi, had lunch, and visited the Ohr-O‘Keefe Museum of Art. Dead Man‘s Hand was our road trip book.

Malice | Keigo Higashino
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The characters in here were all friends when they were younger, but they‘ve all gone in different directions. Two are authors and one is a police detective. Now one has been murdered, the other may or may not be the murderer, and our detective feels a little hampered by their old friendship. The narrator is a bit odd, but I‘m liking it so far. #audiowalk

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This is the story of Madge Oberholtzer who finally brought down the Klan and its powerful Grand Dragon in Indiana. Unfortunately, she had to be viciously assaulted and die to do it. Kegan does a good job explaining the background, and his book is well-researched; it‘s just difficult to listen to because of how brutal her story is. I started Malice for my #audiowalk, read The Little Liar, and we started Dead Man‘s Hand for our new road trip book.

Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I really enjoyed this. It‘s interesting to me how much of what happened to Polley when she was young was so wrong, but she viewed it as normal because that‘s all she knew. Her story, along with Wil Wheaton‘s and other child actors‘, makes me more convinced that there need to be very strict protections in place for them because clearly relying on the parents to provide that doesn‘t work at all. #SheSaid

Smoke and Mirrors | M. E. Hilliard
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Run Towards the Danger #SheSaid
Doppelgänger #SheSaid (I‘m behind on this one)
The Little Liar
Fever in the Heartland (audio with my husband)
Smoke and Mirrors

Smoke and Mirrors | M. E. Hilliard
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Can‘t sleep because I stupidly took a long nap in the afternoon, so I‘m starting this. It‘s the latest in the Greer Hogan mystery series.

robinb 🙋🏻‍♀️ I hate when that happens too! 1mo
KathyWheeler @robinb And I even know better! I never take naps because, when I do, they are always too long. 1mo
robinb @KathyWheeler Yes! My husband can take a 20-minute nap and is good to go. Me? I need an hour minimum. 🙄 1mo
KathyWheeler @robinb Same! My husband takes 15 minute naps and is rested. Mine are always over an hour and then I can‘t sleep at night. 1mo
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Run Towards the Danger | Sarah Polley
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I‘m listening to this for #SheSaid, and I thought I‘d get the most read if I also made it my new #audiowalk book. I don‘t know if I‘m behind, on track, or ahead of schedule because there‘s no chapter or section listing. Little George loves the heating pad, so I try to make sure it‘s never left on.

Suet624 George is adorable. 1mo
KathyWheeler @Suet624 Thanks. She‘s very smart too and the other animals love her. 1mo
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Soft pick. I liked the characters, but I feel the story didn‘t really get interesting until it was halfway over. I did like the last half though; therefore I gave it a pick. I got in some good walks today. Now I need to find a new #audiowalk book.

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This was a weird little book with odd formatting (at least in the ebook version.) I think I liked it. I enjoyed the fable-like quality of the story, and the interesting connection between the three main characters that we get at the end.

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I still don‘t know if I like this book. I like the characters, but the story is kind of boring. I walked a mile and it started to thunder, so I went home. Later it stopped raining and thundering; since I was going to Target, I took the opportunity to add in another walk. #audiowalk

Kittens | Lene Holmen
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Meet George. My daughter works at Pet Supplies Plus. Someone came in the other day with this kitten they‘d found sitting on their engine. They couldn‘t keep her, so my daughter brought her home. She was sitting in my lap while I was reading and started chewing on my book.

Ruthiella So adorable! 😻😻😻 2mo
KathyWheeler @Ruthiella she‘s smart too. 😊 2mo
IndoorDame Awwwww 😍 2mo
See All 7 Comments
Tamra 😘😘 2mo
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 2mo
Texreader Darling George. 2mo
Reggie Awwwww 2mo
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I have started Janice Hallett‘s The Appeal, Alex Michaelides‘ The Maidens, and The Bookshop of Yesterdays trying to pick a new #audiowalk book. These are all books I‘m pretty sure I will enjoy, but none of them are sticking right now. I‘m hoping A Killing on the Hill will capture my interest. The rain stopped around 2:00, so I got to go for a walk.

Bookwormjillk How is your knee feeling? 2mo
LiteraryinLawrence I ended up liking The Appeal a lot, but I‘m not sure how well it would translate on audio? And The Maidens I found just ok. Hope you find something you love soon! 2mo
KathyWheeler @LiteraryinLawrence I think that‘s why I quit with The Appeal — its formatting just seems odd. 2mo
KathyWheeler @Bookwormjillk That steroid shot really helped, but I tend to baby it now if it‘s even slightly bothersome. 2mo
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The Fox Wife: A Novel | Yangsze Choo
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I loved this story of a fox shapeshifter, Snow, seeking revenge for the death of her daughter. Her tale intersects with that of Bao, a human, who can tell when others are lying. The writing is beautiful and clearly evokes both a particular place and a particular time. I have always been interested in fox lore from around the world, and this book was a lovely take on that lore.

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Summers at the Saint | Mary Kay Andrews
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I didn‘t walk today because my knee was a bit tender, but I did finish this book. Don‘t be fooled by the cover — it‘s not as fluffy as it looks. There‘s mystery and a little romance, as well as betrayal and secrets coming to light. I found the ending particularly satisfying.

Summers at the Saint | Mary Kay Andrews
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I‘ve got a little under two hours left in this book, so I‘ll probably finish it tomorrow, but I haven‘t picked a new book yet. I managed to walk and not fall today, so that was good. #audiowalk

Untitled | Untitled
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1: I was able to get several resources my library needed but hadn‘t had access to before, but the most significant thing I did before I retired was I was finally able to get my two staff people‘s positions reclassified so they got huge raises.
2: 3 days a week work — rest free. Now it‘s all free.
3: No. I wanted to be an archeologist, but I became a librarian.

Eggs Love this post!! 2mo
KathyWheeler @Eggs Thank you! 2mo
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Summers at the Saint | Mary Kay Andrews
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Shorter walk today because I tripped and fell on my bad knee and scraped my hand and cut my thumb. I‘m fine, but, weirdly, falling like that made me suddenly tired, so I went home. Tracy, in this book, is just not listening to me. I‘ve told her and told her not to trust a particular character, but she keeps on doing it. #audiowalk

Sace Oh dear! Sorry you had a spill. Take care of yourself. Characters never listen to me either and it's very frustrating. 2mo
Tamra Shoot. 😒 No fun. 2mo
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