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Again, I needed something a little lighter than Possession, so I started this as my alternate #audiowalk book. It‘s the first in a series. So far, it‘s fine, but I haven‘t determined if I like our main character, 37 year-old Julia, yet. She quit her job as the manager of her father‘s tv show because she was mad at him for remarrying too soon after her mother‘s death, but now she‘s mad at the person who took that job. 🙄

kspenmoll I enjoyed this, but Julia‘s emotional responses to situations such as her dad‘s remarriage etc is immature esp given her age. It‘s read this, so am wondering if listening makes a difference with voices, inflection, etc. 22h
KathyWheeler @kspenmoll If she were a teenager, I‘d get it, but she‘s a middle-aged woman, so it‘s irritating. The narrator of the audiobook is good; it‘s just Julia. 11h
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Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I thought I‘d walk outside for a bit, but it started to lightning, so I walked 1 mile outside and 1 inside. After I‘ve finished this book, I may watch the movie again to see what I think of it so close to reading it. #byattbuddyread #audiowalk

Fatal First Edition | Jenn McKinlay
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This is my nighttime book, but I wanted something lighter than Possession, so I listened to it instead. I picked it up because Brooklyn Wainwright, from her own series (which I also listen to) appears at the beginning and evaluates a book for Lindsey. I walked outside; it didn‘t rain, but when I was going home, it started to lightning. #audiowalk

lynneamch Thanks! New author for me. I generally look for lighter listening and many of hers are available on Libby. Starting with 5d
KathyWheeler @lynneamch I know she‘s got a few other series too besides this library one, but I haven‘t read them. 5d
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The Paris Novel | Ruth Reichl
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Hot, but beautiful walk today. Enjoying this book so far!


Possession | A. S. Byatt
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I like the addition of Christabel‘s & Ash‘s letters and poems, Ellen Ash‘s journal, and an excerpt from Lenora‘s book. I‘m finally settling into the rhythm of the audiobook. Only 82° this evening! #byattbuddyread #audiowalk

Graywacke I love all the quotes and excerpts and poems too. Byatt was having fun. Lovely walk 7d
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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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The narrative structure in this book is very different, and there are quite a number of different points of view. At different points, even crows and olive trees provided input on the story. I really enjoyed it. Thanks #SheSaid — I might not have read it otherwise. It was actually in the high 70s after the rain today, so I got to walk outside. Continued with Possession after I finished Stone Blind. #byattbuddyread #audiowalk

Murder in an English Village | Jessica Ellicott
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Today‘s audio walk. I slept in so the temp was 85ish - I cut my usual route short because i was feeling the heat.
The river was still & peaceful today. #audiowalk #ABerylandEdwinaMystery

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Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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Perseus is an idiot; I totally get why Athena is annoyed by him. I‘m not sure what I think about the alphabet sisters telling the story of his approach to Medusa. The olive trees narrating part of the story is an interesting technique. #audiowalk

Stone Blind: A Novel | Natalie Haynes
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I love the crow in this book; he‘s hysterical! Poseidon is probably the most petulant god in this book, and that‘s saying a lot. The rec center is nice later in the evening — not as many people there. #audiowalk #SheSaid

Possession | A. S. Byatt
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It‘s a good thing I decided to walk instead of swim. About 5 minutes after I got to the rec center, it started thundering and lightning. I‘ve now caught up to the schedule for #byattbuddyread and think I‘m finally getting used to the audio. #audiowalk. Our giant Maine Coon, Wash, is playing with little George.

Ruthiella 😻😻😻 2w
Texreader ❤️❤️❤️🐈‍⬛ 2w
Tamra 😘 2w
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