Book is typical Salvatore. Great fights and storyline.
Book is typical Salvatore. Great fights and storyline.
Oh my god. Dahlia and Entreri, two of the most dangerous warriors in the entire series and their mutual hatred of snakes and spiders is killing me 😂😂😂 Watching Entreri run from a horse-sized spider earlier in the book was the highlight of my day lol. #forgottenrealms #legendofdrizzt
I took my first cutting yesterday! I fell asleep early, woke up at 3am and went straight for the back door to water my plants thinking it was morning lol All of my herbs smell so good! 😍 #audiogardening
Here I go! I‘m so glad to have Entreri back! Should be finishing up the series this month, hopefully. If I don‘t hurry up and catch up to my brother he‘s going to string me up by my toes 😂 #legendofdrizzt #charonsclaw #forgottenrealms #entrerifangirl