Liking it but not totally in love yet. Maybe I‘m not built for high fantasy without the spice! 😜
Liking it but not totally in love yet. Maybe I‘m not built for high fantasy without the spice! 😜
I ended up buying the full series on a whim and I‘m so glad I did! The story in this novel is incredible so far (I‘m starting book 4 of 5) it‘s been a while since I read a story that blows my mind on what feels like every page. I also love in the end the author gives you a full background story on certain characters to help give a good visual of the Fatemarked world. Overall amazed and my fantasy side is being spoiled rotten.
Fatemarked by David Estes ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
If you like fantasy, this is a good one, it sucked me in from the start. And I'll be getting the rest of the series ASAP. For reference, I'd say it's kind of Game of Thrones lite. Great character and world building, just a bit smaller scale.
This was one of the best epic fantasies I've ever read! I'm pretty shocked at how well it was written, I never have too high of hope for the random ebooks that show up on my kindle. This one sounded so good and I'm so glad it turned out even better!
I love the big cast of characters. They're all developed so well. I'm just blown away by every aspect of this book. And there's 5 books to series?! Excited I found this gem of a series!
I am seriously slacking on the hours! I haven't been able to read too much last night or today but I'm gonna kick butt tonight and read.
I'm 76% done with Sorcery of Thorns, at 36% with Fatemarked and 43% with Beyond the Black Door. I'm hoping to get at least 2 done by Monday!
I need more peanut m&ms, they didn't last long haha definitely getting the bigger bag next!
#24b4monday #litsypartyofone #mrbook1inamillion
I'm 15% in and I am really pleasantly surprised by this book so far!
I just didn't have high hopes of liking this book. I'm not sure why, the synopsis sounded right up my alley. I haven't had much luck with not well heard of books I find on my kindle
BUT! I am loving it. It's written well, the characters are quite interesting and likable.
It's got my interest in a very strong neckhold right now! Really hoping it keeps up through the whole book.