Just finished The Nickel Boys and what a great read, I couldn't put it down!
Just finished The Nickel Boys and what a great read, I couldn't put it down!
A rainy day is a good day to read.
So is a sunny day, or hot day, or dry day...etc...🤷♀️🤣
Need to get your kids motivated to read? Print out this simple reading challenge for your kids to enjoy!
Write in the title of the book for each challenge and check it off when done!
I had a hard time with this one. May just be a timing issue, and me not really being able or wanting to focus on more politics with everything that's going on. Or may be I just didn't like the author. 🤷 Whatever it may be, I ended up just skimming a lot.
I may return to this book at a later date when I'm in a better head space. But if i don't, i really don't think i missed much in my skimming and skipping.
If you have young kids who LOVE Dinosaurs, they need this book!
We had so much fun learning how big Dinosaurs actually were! The kids got a kick out of measuring themselves against the Lifesize illustrations of a Pteranodon Beak, a Tyrannosaurus smile and Stegosaurus plate, among others.
Big thumbs up from the kiddos!
#kidsbook #dinosaurs
Fatemarked by David Estes ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
If you like fantasy, this is a good one, it sucked me in from the start. And I'll be getting the rest of the series ASAP. For reference, I'd say it's kind of Game of Thrones lite. Great character and world building, just a bit smaller scale.
I couldn't do it...I couldn't finish it. It just did not grab me. I muddled thru and finished The Last Wish, but just couldn't do it with this one. So I returned it early on my kindle library loan. Maybe just a mindset thing. Will probably try again later but now it's on to Mind Hunter.
I'm having a hard time getting into this one....I'm about 25% in and I'm struggling a little bit. Anyone else have trouble with this one?
I really enjoyed this Amazon First choice! The WWII-era is my favorite historical time period to read about and this book gave a different perspective and story to the time.
It's a fictional story of a murder investigation in Dresden Germany as the Nazi regime falls. The characters are interesting and I honestly didn't see the ending coming!
Love this collection of Brave Young Women Fairytales! I think I'll wait for my 4 year old to get a little bit older to share these with her as she's a little sensitive and might find some of the imagery scary.
After each story, author and illustrator write why they chose or liked that story. Part of my favorite quote from Lorena Carrington "With its strong focus on female independence, it is a fairy tale I'm very glad to pass onto my daughter's."
Starting Vasilisa today, want to read it before I share with my daughter.
#braveyoungwomen #fairytales
Starting a new one...sounds interesting, one of the many free books I downloaded from Amazon, which they can be hit or miss but WW2 era books are some of my favorites so I'm optimistic!
Ignored most of the things I "had" to do today, (except some light vacuuming, cooking dinner, feeding the baby and keeping the other 2 kids from killing each other #momlife ), and relaxed to get some reading done. Got a few chapters of Fire & Blood read and now going to do a little bedtime reading of Harry Potter. Good reading day!
I'm a bit late to the game...let's see if it lives up to all the hype 🤓
#harrypotter #betterlatethannever
I hardly ever stop reading a book...but I just couldn't connect with this book, the characters. Not a horrible book, I just don't think it's what I'm in the mood to read right now. Maybe I'll try to read it again later and enjoy it more 🤷
Finally getting a chance to do some reading after a few weeks of sickness going thru the family.
Reading Pandemic on my Kindle...not quite sure how I feel about it yet, but still lots left to read!
Good middle grade read, the crime/mystery is a little predictable but still interesting enough to keep me reading. Young teens will appreciate it more, but I would read the second book if I get it with my next consignment order.
Grabbed a middle grade fiction to read before I get back to Fire & Blood
#productknowledge #kanemiller
Finally finished reading The Testaments last night! (3 small kids slow my reading down 🤣)
I won't give a synopsis since I'm sure others have probably done a better job summarizing it then I could...
It was a good and intetesting read, the only complaint(?) Is that I still want to know more!
One of the quotes that have stood out to me while reading The Testaments.
"I made choices, and then, having made them, I had fewer choices. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I took the one most travelled by. It was littered with corpses, as such roads are."