I talk about the tagged book in a brief video to honour World Migratory Bird Day:
Moonbird by Phillip Hoose
I talk about the tagged book in a brief video to honour World Migratory Bird Day:
Moonbird by Phillip Hoose
“Each species with which we share the earth is a success story. Each of our cohabitants has evolved an ingenious set of life strategies, and made them work. To live on an earth without fascinating, often beautiful creatures would be to live on a lesser earth. The trick is not to let them slip away, but to understand and help them on their terms.”
I didn't get to read this entire book because it was a chapter book and I wanted to explore some of the other nonfiction books. However, the parts I read were really informative and interesting. I don't think that kids would enjoy this story because of the composition and length, but I thought it was pretty cool.
This nonfiction chapter book tells the story of a bird called, Moonbird. His name that was given by scientists was B95. This story is extremely relevant today because it talks about extinction and endangerment of animals. Scientists in this story are working to help depleting bird populations through B95.