The Orphaned Generation: The Father's Heart for Connecting Youth and Young Adults to Your Church | Scott Wilcher
A must-read for those who hope for revitalization of an aging, declining or plateaued church. "The Orphaned Generation" will turn the heart of your adult congregation toward young people, especially in small groups or Sunday school classes. Wilcher uses biblical principles to change your perspectives on young people, and your church. What Church Leaders are saying... "Revolutionary!" "A Game Changer!" "My aging congregation is learning it has exactly what young people hope for!" "Scott nails it." Ron Luce, " Founder and President of Teen Mania Ministries." "Absolutely the best book on what the Church should do for youth I have ever read hands down. You put into words years of unprocessed thoughts and feelings. Pastor Ken Wetmore "I recommend it strongly to every church leader and every adult in the church." Richard Ross, PhD, " Professor of student/family ministry, Southwestern Seminary, and co-founder of True Love Waits " "This should be required reading for each student ministry leader, who should then share a copy with the senior pastor, who should share a copy with every adult in the congregation." Roy Smith, " Director of Missions (Norfolk Area Baptist Association)" Reach Young People Without Alienating Your Mature Members Order your copy now. For more about the author, visit http: // or on facebook (search "The Orphaned Generation by Scott Wilcher") A discussion guide for use in small groups and Sunday school classes is now available at https: //