Cthol Murgos is on the east side of the western continent - but now we learn of another continent across the Sea of the East
Cthol Murgos is on the east side of the western continent - but now we learn of another continent across the Sea of the East
Starting ‘Demon Lord of Karanda‘, the third book of the ‘Malloreon‘. This time the prologue is presented as an academic article on the kingdoms of the east rather than the usual extract from a book of legends
Book 3 in the series and I'm still enjoying it. Cant help but love Garion and Silk is also a fave of mine. Plus Zith is so cute if deadly.
I think #demon and David Eddings fit together. Although the first exposure is in Enchanters End Game, this title from The Mallorean suited Better. #octoberxfiles
Not a bad start to the day waiting on the sun coming up in Dubai Marina 😁 #fantasy #epicfantasy #apartmenthunting
“Impatience is a poor substitute for a well-considered plan.” #Organize #QuotsyJan18