The Amari series has been fantastic. Alston is a genius at devising new challenges to keep the intensity ratcheted up. Each book gets better and the first was amazing. The new characters were great. The heartbreak was real.
The Amari series has been fantastic. Alston is a genius at devising new challenges to keep the intensity ratcheted up. Each book gets better and the first was amazing. The new characters were great. The heartbreak was real.
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Birdie is a single mother who wants change so she moves with her daughter to a remote cabin owned by Arthur, a quiet man he barely knows. The life they find there is reinvigorating but also filled with challenges as they realize there are things about Arthur they don‘t know. I am drawn to books set in Alaska and love Ivey‘s writing. I still didn‘t fully love this book. Perhaps because the end seemed too small for such a fantastical tale.
Perfection. Just plain perfection. This book was very quick to read and it was amazing because if you turn certain pages in the light, you can see hidden things like dragons, spiderwebs, etc. The few words in this book just flowed beautifully with the pictures. Well done!
This book is stunning, really — almost like an exploration of the flip side of the wonder of discovering that magical world. Filled with pain and loss and anger, and the horror of discovering the darkness behind the light. Bree learns a lot in this book, and I think she comes out stronger for it, and more prepared to take on what‘s waiting for her. Just as evocatively and deliberately written as the first book, so well done.
I absolutely loved the stone troll baby. He truly made me give this book 4 stars. In this one, Hilda and baby troll do a freaky friday and switch bodies (not on purpose). Craziness ensues and Hilda has to figure out how to turn back into a human. Loved the graphics and the storyline.
Wow. This was very fast paced YA - like whiplash fast pace. I would have appreciated a little more world building because parts of the plot felt unearned. But this felt like one long intro paragraph for a greater story potential to be told.
I shall continue into the Grishaverse soon, I fear. 😨 #AuthorAMonth
A quite enjoyable book about characters finding themselves after horrible situations and a search for the lost bookshop. It was a good mix of magical realism with some historical fiction blended in. I do think the characters were a bit surface level and I feel like more could have been done with the magical portion of the plot but it was a good escape from the world at this current time.
#BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks
A much-belated review of the #OokBOokClub read from January (I‘m working through my backlog of completed-but-not-yet-reviewed books!)
I‘m torn over this. I loved its examination of political/religious propaganda (especially in wartime/in service of conflict), and I loved the way it pokes fun at and takes down gender stereotypes. I loved its diverse characters and the little cultural glimpses each one gives us, from trolls to Igors to vampires.⤵️
#LittensLoveACOTAR #ACOTAR #ACOMAF Book 2:Ch.16-18: this author is killing it at world building. Although these chapters were lengthy I was so hooked on learning more about this world and the characters. I love how, for the most part, Rhys is open with Feyre and tells her things. So different from Tamlin. Speaking of - he must be going crazy by now, right? That‘s a hornets nest, for sure. ⬇️