So I really learned a lot. It is full of world politics past and present woven togeather with his own personal family narrative of living in Russia from the 60s on. Well written and worth your time.
So I really learned a lot. It is full of world politics past and present woven togeather with his own personal family narrative of living in Russia from the 60s on. Well written and worth your time.
What you don't know CAN hurt you.
Always look for information everywhere, mix in a little common sense and skepticism and you will be far closer to what you seek.
Oh WoW. I want to learn French (pick a country) history from the French perspective... now that is what should be in our schools, asap!
Ummmmm... WoW... I have no words...
Geesh... according to Russia we are one busy country! Good Greif!
Ummmm... this is right out of the pages of 1984. Yikes!
So I just learned about Infokrieg. They are the radical right wing in Germany. This is not good. I am definitely reading fiction after this heavy meal.
That just makes my stomach hurt.
An excellent look at disinformation campaigns—how they are designed and implemented, why they are used, how some try to combat them, and how insidious they can be. While Trump is discussed, this is not a book about him. It is more global, focusing a great deal on Russia as well as the Philippines. The author was exiled from the USSR as a toddler along with his parents because his father read books. Highly recommend.