This is a fiction book. I would use this as a shared reading. Luna is a young girl in a family where she is the only one that needs glasses. Throughout the story she try's to hide her glasses. This is great for children that have glasses to give them a sense of confidence.
Awards: none
UDL: 7.2
EL: Visuals, Audio available, partner
Bmelendez92 This is an amazing book for students who have glasses in your class to have they can truly relate, truly giving that classroom welcome feel! 6y
Ivanita08 I agree with you. Some students like my little cousin that wears glasses but didn‘t want to wear them since he thought they were “ugly”, this book can give them a positive perspective. 6y
Lindseyraepalmx I‘ve never read this book, but it looks so cute! The illustration on the cover is so adorable and I can only imagine how much this book could help students nervous about using reading glasses. 6y
raqueldonna Awe I love how inclusive this book is! Many kids are just starting to wear glasses in younger grades and some kids can feel really self conscious about it. 6y