“Truth is stranger than fiction, after all.”-Wanted.
“Truth is stranger than fiction, after all.”-Wanted.
The Liars get caught in another angst filled situation involving a secret twin and mistaken identities. This was the end of the second cycle and it definitely tied up some story lines.
Eight books in and Sara Shepard continues to surprise me. There were twists that I definitely didn't see coming. Off to start the next one.
You'd think that w/everything these girls have experienced this far in 8 instalments that they'd learn something, anything, & show a bit of growth. There's only 1 character that's had any semblance of growth & maturity. It makes me sad. The story itself feels like it's being stretched way past it's prime just for shock value. I can't begin to fathom the fact that there are 8 books left!! How ever shall I survive?
2.75 / 5
#wanted #pll
Okay I just need to rant for a sec. I really hate the way Emily's homosexuality is portrayed. The author presents it like it's a flippant mood that swings one way one moment and then another the next. And there's literally NO talk, or exploration of why, or what it means. It just is & it's a dumb, ignorant, & entirely INCORRECT way to illustrate being gay, or even dealing w/ realising that you are gay. Seriously. It shouldn't be this damn hard.
I'm sad that I've been having such a difficult reading month, especially since it messed up my track/timing for finishing this series! But I'm still determined and hopeful it'll come back to me. 😊
I honestly dunno what to expect from this volume. I hope the writing keeps improving. It's fun to see the evolution an author makes with serials. I do wonder how many of the dead will stay dead. 😉
#pll #prettylittleliars #sarashepard #youngadult #ya