Finished this one right in time for my book club‘s discussion of it. Felt this was a pretty obvious thriller and wasn‘t shocked with the “twists”. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Finished this one right in time for my book club‘s discussion of it. Felt this was a pretty obvious thriller and wasn‘t shocked with the “twists”. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I thought the concept of this story was going to be a lot more interesting and exciting than it was. The characters fell a little bit flat for me and the story got a little far fetched in sports. I liked the idea, but had a hard time staying interested in this one.
This book was the B&N Readouts free book this month... While it may not have been a stellar book, it was definitely interesting and kept me coming back each day for new chapters. The mysteries kept me guessing until the end, and there were some twists I didn't see coming. I do like an entertaining and free read!
This was the Nook Serial Read this month. Was it great? No, but it held my attention and had me looking forward to the next day's installment. There was an interesting twist at the end which I did not see coming. Overall, a fun and easy read.
This was the Nook Serial Read this month. Was it great? No, but it held my attention and had me looking forward to the next day's installment. There was an interesting twist at the end which I did not see coming. Overall, a fun and easy read.
I am so excited to be reading a B&N readout book that actually good! 😜 this book is keeping me guessing and looking forward to the next day for new chapters.
This month's B&N readout is promising so far!