An outstanding book by a great writer.
Wow! This collection of Roy‘s non fiction essays is absolutely amazing. I have learned so much about the world that I never knew I didn‘t know! I am humbled by her vision and voice. Most importantly it inspired me to read further on the huge range of subjects discussed across the essay. The kindle whispersync was amazing!!! HIGHLY recommend this!
I'm pleased that my stats show I'm reaching the mix that I aim for each month: mostly written by women, 1/3 nonfiction, plus lots of diverse authors and literature from other parts of the world.
In an essay collection that spans decades, Roy consistently speaks out against violence, social injustice & environmental degradation in India. I had to take mental health breaks while listening to this 36-hour #audiobook, but I kept returning to Roy‘s fierce, compassionate voice of reason. She puts difficult topics in a larger—even global—perspective, without losing sight of harm to individuals. She doesn‘t look away, so neither could I.
The US arsenal of weapons and unrivalled air- and fire-power makes terrorism an all but inescapable response [to the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq]. What people lack in wealth and power they will make up for in stealth and strategy.
From: Public Power in the Age of Empire, 2004
(Internet photo)
For reasons I don‘t fully understand, fiction dances out of me. Nonfiction is wrenched out by the aching, broken world I wake up to every morning.