Yesterday‘s lunch of quesadilla, carrots and hooray, it‘s X-23!
Yesterday‘s lunch of quesadilla, carrots and hooray, it‘s X-23!
X-Rec #2 can only be ALL-NEW WOLVERINE, the further adventures of Laura Kinney. She gets a new codename, a SUPER-AMAZING LITTLE SISTER/CLONE NAMED GABBY, an actual wolverine sidekick, and a whole mess of new problems to superheroically solve.
Writer Tom Taylor does build on stuff established in Laura's earlier appearances (including X-23), but there's enough context that you can leap straight into this awesome series. #xrecs
I think this is a interesting continuation of Wolverine. I like how it brings in some of the other Marvel super heroes to help her out.
I whipped up some chicken & waffles while I listened to Jay & Miles's interview with Tom Taylor, who writes my favourite current X-book. It was awesomeness all around, except I marinated the chicken in fake milk and it wasn't quite as flavourful as usual. Still, the coating was delicious and I got to geek out over Laura and Gabby while I ate, so I'll deal.
I needed exercise and something from Dollarama, so I took a 5-mile trudge (no one could call it a walk) through my snowy hellscape. My legs are gonna be so damned sore tomorrow.
The trudge was worth it, though, because after I got what I needed I popped into Toys R Us on a whim and discovered that not only did they have Funko Pops of my beloved Wolverine, but she was on clearance! Yay!
I shall treasure her.
I'm so glad I quit denying myself this comic. The first arc was AWESOME! I love Laura's growth, the relationships she's developing, and her determination to avoid killing, no matter how much easier it might make things. I got all choked up every time she mentioned her dad, too. I've mostly ignored Logan's solo stuff, so I haven't yet read the point where the two of them definitively settled on that.
This's gonna be a new favourite. #comicthon
I already love the hell out of Gabby. #comicthon
All these years, and I had no idea Taskmaster was wearing a mask. I thought that skull thing was just his face. It's so hard to tell with these superpeople.
Laura Kinney's one of my absolute favourite mutants, so I'm gonna diverge from my #comicthon reading list and treat myself to a few issues of ALL-NEW WOLVERINE while I eat some snacks. #30daysofreadathon
So very good. Love X-23, love her even more as Wolverine. Great cameos from Doctor Strange and The Wasp too.
Stayed up way past my bedtime to read this beauty. It is fantastic and I would like more right now.
Man, this ending to #11 is brutal. As should any ending in a Wolvie title be. Great series, so far. Humor, violence, action, heartstring-pulling: exactly what I want in a reading experience.
This was fun but also kind of sad. In a good way. Laura's awesome!