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Joined December 2016

@cobwebmoth is my overlord.
Slaughterhouse-Five | Kurt Vonnegut
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Sometimes you have to make the best of a rainy work related drive. Alternating between James Franco reading chapters of Slaughterhouse-Five, and listening to my favorite Frank Turner album, this rainy morning isn't so bad after all. I was also happy to see some soggy bison out today.

Avanders I noticed your lady was missing 😔 And then I noticed you haven‘t posted in 4 months!! 😔 Time goes by too quickly… but I hope you are both doing well ♥️♥️ 3y
Trashcanman How are you doing brother? I hope you and yours are all well. Send my regards to Laurie 3y
BethM I second what @Avanders said. Hugs to both of you and hope things are ok! 3y
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Chrissyreadit I just went to say hi to Laura on her page and it was gone- I hope you are both ok. I miss you guys here on Litsy ❤️ 3y
Trashcanman Hope you are both ok ❤️ 3y
kspenmoll Good to hear from you! Echoing all the above. 3y
Chrissyreadit Thinking of you guys. I saw Laura took her page down. I‘m using a book she gave me and wanted her to know I miss her and her presence on litsy. ❤️ 3y
Bklover Hey! I‘ve been thinking about you guys. Hope you both are ok- miss you both! ❤️❤️ 2y
Bklover I‘m back again. Miss you!! 2y
BethM What they said! Miss you guys! 2y
Chrissyreadit I wish you and @cobwebmoth were still active on litsy. 7mo
50 likes11 comments
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

1. I always liked Hades in traditional mythology. He usually gets a bad rap. (In the Marvel universe I'm an Ares fan.)
2. Skin Game by Jim Butcher. A wizard, a knight, a couple sorcerers, a sasquatch, and a fallen angel team up to rob one of Hades' vaults in the underworld. Hijinks ensue.

LazyOwl I'm slowly making my way through the Dresden Files, but I haven't got to that one yet. It sounds good. 3y
TheSpineView I too am reading the Dresden Files. Just finished book 2 so a ways to go. Thanks for playing 3y
TK421 @LazyOwl @TheSpineView I've made my way through all the books so far. There was only 1 that I really didn't care for, and I'm not sure if it was the story or the fact that it's the only book James Marster didn't narrate. 3y
TheSpineView @TK421 👍📚 3y
42 likes4 comments
King of Scars | Leigh Bardugo
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I've really enjoyed each book set in Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse. Six of Crows is still my favorite, but King of Scars was really good. They really flesh out some of the characters that were introduced in the previous novels. Nikolai is always a fun point of view character, but I admit I was surprised at how much I loved having Zoya as a main character. She is great in this book! You get her backstory, and a ton of great quotes. 4 out of 5 stars.

Wilderness Essays | John Muir
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

@Trashcanman Thanks for the tag George!

1. I wanted to be a Naturalist for as long as I can remember. When I was 3 or 4 I had already decided that I would be a nature show host.

2. No snooze for me, I sleep through my alarm bad enough already.

3. Mottos are for people who remember things. I just try to be kind.

4. Green in nature, grey for clothing.

Trashcanman 🤗❤🤗 3y
Eggs 💚🌳🖤👟 3y
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#ThoughtfulThursday @MoonWitch94

1. There is a beautiful little nature preserve about 15 miles from our home. The trail by the creek is full of bluebells, trilliums, and trout lilies.

2. It was breezy and in the 40s today.

3. The sound of the water, the wind in the trees, and the bird song while in the forest.

@Eggs thanks for the tag!

Eggs Beautiful!! 3y
MoonWitch94 So pretty! Thanks for playing 🌷☺️🌳 3y
Trashcanman Sounds lovely brother, I hope you and yours had a peaceful day. 3y
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The Godfather | Mario Puzo
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@Eggs #wondrouswednesday

1. TK-421 is an ill fated storm trooper in the first Star Wars movie. I forgot the - in my litsy handle.

2. In the early morning or late evening in my chair.

3. The audible 50th anniversary edition of The Godfather read by Joe Mantegna.

4. Currently 4 people, no pets, and an unknown number of groundhogs under our shed.

@Trashcanman @Chrissyreadit @Bklover

Eggs #4 - 😂. Thanks for joining in ❤️📕❤️ 3y
Laughterhp I wondered what your username meant because there are 2 of you on Litsy! 3y
Bklover Hiya!!!! Thanks for the tag! 3y
Chrissyreadit Hey Nathan!!! Thanks for the tag. I meant to post but forgot, then realized randomly I hadn‘t- sorry! How are you and @cobwebmoth ? I‘m still always playing catch up but you guys were on my mind and I wanted to say hi! 3y
TK421 Hi @Chrissyreadit ! It's always great to hear from you. Laura and I are doing ok-ish. The past year was pretty awful, but I know it was like that for many others. I'm finally in the mood to read again. 3y
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Dream of Legends | Stephen Zimmer
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Thanks for the tag @Avanders

Here are my top 10ish sci-fi fantasy picks. I had so many others that I wanted to list! These are some of the books that left me with an undying love for the genre. If you like high fantasy, please check out Stephen Zimmer. He has created an insanely detailed world. David Brin's Uplift War series is really good as well. I think I need to jump back into some good sci-fi again.

Good list idea @Chrissyreadit

Leftcoastzen Omg! Happy to see some love for the 🐀! 3y
TK421 @Leftcoastzen I went on a Harry Harrison kick in my teens. Our local library had everything he had ever written. I loved his Stainless Steel Rat books! 3y
ReadingOver50 The Stainless Steel Rat series is great! 3y
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Chrissyreadit I trying to get my son to read The Stainless Steel Rat! They were so good! I‘m adding a few of yours to my TBR to share with Owen. I think we would both like them! Thanks for sharing! How are you all doing? @cobwebmoth I miss you! 3y
Avanders Yaaaas. I have some of these on my shelves... and am adding more books to my TBR 😳😜 3y
TK421 @Avanders at least I'm helping refill your dangerously depleted tbr 3y
JazzFeathers So many authors and titels l know and love too. 3y
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Almost a foot of snow last night gave me the day off work! I guess snow is good for something after all. I was able to get a bit of audio shoveling done. I have been loving James Marsters' narration of this series.

Lauram Added! I‘ve been meaning to find Spike out there in the audiobook world. 3y
Chrissyreadit Pretty! 3y
TK421 @Lauram Martser's has done all but one book in the Dresden Files series. He is an excellent narrator that really brings these books to life. And every once in a while he gets to use a very Spike like accent! 3y
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1. It's The End Of The World As We Know It by REM. The laid back panic of Harry Dresden trying to stop yet another catastrophe makes me think of this song.

2. Mugs and bookmarks. You can't have too many mugs or bookmarks.

3. I've never really given this a lot of thought. I guess when I was younger I liked characters that were closer to my age. They were easier to relate to. Now, I don't make a lot of book choices based on main character age.

Eggs Well done 👍🏼 Thanks for playing 📚🎶👏🏻🤗✅ 3y
32 likes2 comments
Annihilation Omnibus | Marvel Comics
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

1. Yes, I have read a few books from @ChrisBohjalian and @JazzFeathers

2. Every great once in a while I remember that I have a goodreads account, and right something there.

3. An accurate production of Annihilation would make me super excited! This is by far my favorite Marvel comic series ever. Although since they are casting the Moon Knight series right now, here's hoping they use Jeff Lemire's run for inspiration.

Eggs Great choices-thanks for playing 🤗👏🏻📚 4y
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White Night | Jim Butcher
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#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

1. White Night by Jim Butcher on audio. James Marsters is such a great narrator!

2. The final volume of East of West

3. Home Alone 1, 2, and unfortunately 3.

rachelsbrittain Unfortunately 3, I'm dying 😂 4y
Bookboss James Marsters is an awesome narrator! 4y
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The Sandman: Doll's house | Neil Gaiman, Mike Dringenberg
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Thanks for the tag @Chrissyreadit ! This has been a terrible reading year for me, but I've managed to listen to a bunch of audiobooks and get through several graphic novels. These are my 5 star reads from this year. The full cast Sandman and Northanger Abbey were fantastic, Amanda Palmer is amazing, and I learned that the best way to fight evil necromancers and a zombie horde is with an undead T-rex.

Chrissyreadit Ahhhhh! I must get The Sandman and Northanger Abbey on audio that sounds more than amazing!!! 4y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘ve just heard there is an Icelandic version of Stoker‘s original text, serialised in newspapers in 1900-1901, and endorsed by Stoker himself. It‘s described as surpassing the original, which tends towards the ponderous and reflective. Check it out if interested. 4y
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East of West Volume 10 | Jonathan Hickman
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I finally made myself read the last volume of East of West. I truly hated to see this series come to and end. Volume 10 did not disappoint. Epic battles, the fate of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and that of the leaders of the free world, all things were wrapped up quite nicely. This has been my favorite series in the last few years, and I was actually satisfied with how it ended!

VinceReads I‘ve only read the first three and it‘s been a while but this makes me want to go pick up the rest and finish the series 4y
Bookzombie I didn‘t realize this series was finished. I think I left off with volume 5. I will have to go back and reread so I can finish it. 4y
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#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

1. Dead Beat by Jim Butcher

2. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

3. The pictures that my wife, daughter, and brother in law have been doing for their art prompts. They all did Inktober, and wanted to keep going so I gave them a daily prompt sheet for Artvember.

V for Vendetta | Alan Moore
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"Remember remember the 5th of November."

Chrissyreadit One of my sons favorite movies! 4y
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Happy autumn equinox to all my fellow littens!

Leftcoastzen 👍👏 4y
Avanders 🍁🍂🌜Looks like a perfectly peaceful evening 🌛🍂🍁 4y
Gissy Yes!!! 🍁🍂🍁🍂 4y
Chrissyreadit How did I miss this? I love pictures of fall fires 🧡🧡🧡 4y
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#ManicMonday #LetterW @JoScho

Book: Where is Joe Merchant?
Author: Scott Westerfeld
Movie: Willow
TV show: Wallander
Band: Wolfmother
Song: Winners and Losers by Social Distortion

DaveGreen7777 Wolfmother! Good choice! 🤘🎸🎶 4y
Chrissyreadit I love Wallander- both English and Swedish. 4y
cathysaid ❤️ Wallander. Did you see Young Wallander is coming to Netflix? 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Social Distortion!❤ 4y
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Dracula | Bram Stoker
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Audio-invoicing, it's the most enjoyable way to pay the bills at work. I started the Audible edition of Dracula. Alan Cumming and Tim Curry are the main narrators. It is pretty good so far. I was also given a homemade chocolate chip scone this morning. Yep, I've got a scone guy.😉

Sandman | Neil Gaiman
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Wow...this is possibly the best audiobook that I have ever heard. The cast is absolutely fantastic. I've been a Sandman fan for a long time, and they have truly brought this to life. I couldn't dream of a better version. (Sorry, I couldn't help myself there.) It was really enjoyable to read along in the graphic novels while listening. I hope that this trend continues. I have several favorite comics that would be incredible as audiobooks.

Heideschrampf Yes, I‘m definitely planning on doing a re-listen with the books in front of me 4y
Bklover Hey Nathan!!!! Thank you soooo much for the jelly bellys! I opened the box and sat there and ate the whole bag. You are so thoughtful- you made my day. And you definitely made me want to listen to this book! 4y
TK421 @Bklover Hi Missy! I'm glad they made it to you ok. Sandman was really enjoyable, occasionally disturbing, but enjoyable to listen to. 4y
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I have been in a terrible reading slump over the last few months. Audiobooks have been of great help in trying to get through this slump. The Art of Asking is absolutely wonderful. This will seriously change they way you view certain aspects of your life. Amanda does her own reading, which is quite enjoyable (I find her Neil Gaiman impersonation delightful), and there are a few songs thrown in. I really can't recommend this enough.

JamieArc Loved this one too, but read it in print. Definitely worth a reread though, so I‘ll do audio next time. 4y
readordierachel Yes, a fabulous audiobook 4y
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Styxx | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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#ManicMonday #LetterS @JoScho

Book: Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Author: Gail Simone
Movie and TV show: Star Trek
Band: Social Distortion, The Stranglers, so many others
Song: Something May Catch Fire by Chuck Ragan,
Storytime by Nightwish

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@BethM actual photographic evidence that I finally sent the next book to you! You should have it Wednesday. I'm sorry that it took absolutely forever for me to send this out. Many apologies to you. 😞
#historicalhussies @BethM @JenlovesJT47
@Avanders @MaleficentBookDragon

BethM Hahaha no worries! 4y
Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽💃🏽 4y
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#thoughtfulthursday @MoonWitch94

My favorite summer fruit is watermelon. I will eat it until I feel mega bloated. For the veggies, I'll have to go with my fresh salsa.

The Dry or Where Is Joe Merchant? are two of my favorites set in Summer.

Yes, I have seen dolphins in the wild, but no whales.

Thanks for the tags @Bklover & @Trashcanman !
I'll tag the rest of the #historicalhussies @BethM @Avanders @MaleficentBookDragon @JenlovesJT47

Trashcanman 🤗🤗 4y
BethM Yumm good choices! 4y
MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing ⛵️☺️🍉 4y
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JenlovesJT47 Hey! Could you pretty please email me your address at rltranscriptionist@yahoo.com — I‘ve been locked out of my gmail account that has all of my addresses in it. I‘m sending you a book today or tomorrow. Will send a big package next time but since I just received 2 books I wanted to send at least 1 your way ASAP. Hope you guys are doing well! 🤗 4y
TK421 @JenlovesJT47 I just sent you an email. 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Wait! All this time I could've claimed salsa as my favorite veggie?!🤩 4y
BethM Were you able to send the next #lmpbc book? 4y
TK421 @BethM I have it boxed up and ready to go out UPS on Monday. I'm really sorry this has taken so long. I have been way too neglectful of my Litsy responsibilities over the last six months. I'll make sure it ships, and I promise that I won't delay the next one. 😞 4y
JenlovesJT47 Hey! Just a heads up, you can blame my husband for not mailing your package until yesterday 😑 I had it ready all week sitting there for him to take to the post office (I don‘t drive) and he kept forgetting. So sorry for the delay!! 4y
TK421 @JenlovesJT47 No worries Jen. I kinda did the same thing to @BethM last week. #forgetfulhusbandsunite! 4y
JenlovesJT47 😂😂😂 4y
TK421 @JenlovesJT47 I got the book the other day. I forgot to post about it. I'm going to start reading it tomorrow. 4y
JenlovesJT47 Ok awesome! 4y
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18 years ago today, a scrawny goofball kid somehow married the most wonderful person he had ever known. Happy Anniversary @cobwebmoth !! Our love for Tolkien, tacos, and each other has grown every year. Thank you for the books! Trejo's Tacos is fantastic! I'll be making so many of these recipes for us!

Cinfhen Congrats ♥️🥂 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Happy anniversary ❤️🎉 4y
TrishB 🎉🎉🥂🥂 ♥️ congrats 4y
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Cathythoughts Long life & happiness to the bride & groom ❤️❤️✨✨✨ 4y
Leftcoastzen That‘s great ! Happy Anniversary!🎉 4y
squirrelbrain Congratulations to both of you! 🎉 4y
Megabooks Congratulations!! 💖💖 4y
JoScho 🖤🖤🖤 4y
Laughterhp Congratulations to you both! 💚💚 Happy Anniversary! (edited) 4y
batsy Love this post! Happy anniversary! 🥂🌮💖 4y
mabell Happy Anniversary! 🎉🥂 4y
Tanisha_A Happy anniversary! 🥂 4y
robinb ❤Best wishes and congratulations!❤ 4y
Suet624 💕💕💕 4y
LeahBergen Happy Anniversary, you two! ❤️ 4y
Karkar Congratulations to you both!! 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 🎉Happy Anniversary!🎉 4y
Gissy Happy anniversary!!🥂 @cobwebmoth I wish you many more years of happiness! 4y
KarouBlue Happy Anniversary to you both! 🥂 4y
Reggie Happy Anniversary!!! 4y
Trashcanman Happy Anniversary you two 4y
Trashcanman Happy father's day brother 4y
69 likes22 comments
Kiss of the Night | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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#ManicMonday #letterk @JoScho

Book and author: classic Dark-Hunter novel Kiss of the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

Movie: Kill Bill 1&2

Band: Kaleo

Song: Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine

JoScho Rage takes me right back to high school. Thanks for playing 🖤☺️ 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Kiss of the Night!💙 I credit this book to getting my reading mojo back after burnout from all the required reading in high school & college. 4y
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Acheron | Sherrilyn Kenyon
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

1. Sherrilyn Kenyon

2. Tacos and bookstores, then home for drinks and binge watching of some British comedy series.

3. If it is a real world setting, New Orleans. If it is a fantasy setting, then I would have to choose Middle Earth.

Thanks for the tag @Bklover !

Eggs Thanks for joining in 👏🏻📚🤗👏🏻 4y
Bklover ❤️tacos and bookstores!!!❤️ 4y
Jgotham That night out sounds amazing! 4y
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I'm trying to finish my #historicalhussies selection so I can send it out, but I've ended up listening to Panic at the Disco while browsing audible. I swear that I'll get this sent out to you this week @BethM ! @MaleficentBookDragon
@Avanders @JenlovesJT47

BethM No worries! 4y
Avanders How was the audible read?? 4y
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Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen
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I finished my first Jane Austen novel! This audible version was fantastic. Emma Thompson just might be the narrator that I've ever heard (sorry Neil Gaiman). The voice cast was spot on. I have a healthy respect for the amount, and quality of snark that Jane Austen wrote in this book.

vivastory This was my first Austen too! 4y
Scochrane26 This is often my favorite Austen book. 4y
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Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen
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I had to do a bunch of driving for work early this morning. I started listening to the Audible production of Northanger Abbey. It is fantastic! I needed some tunes to help keep me awake while driving, so I would listen to a 30 Seconds to Mars song very loud between each chapter of Northanger Abbey. Jane Austen and Jared Leto really seem to go well together. 😀

I also saw a bison farm while I was out. Not a bad morning for having to go in early.

sprainedbrain That sounds like a perfect drive! 4y
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The Hobbit | J.R.R. Tolkien
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#7days7books 7 books that made an impression or changed me.

Book 4 The Hobbit.

This is where everything changed for me. Tolkien's world became my choice for escape during my teen years. I've read The Hobbit more times than I can remember. This was also my introduction to fantasy. It opened the door to so many amazing worlds. It isn't the best fantasy story, or even Tolkien's best, but it is still my favorite book ever.

Avanders I love this edition ☺️ 4y
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Treasure Island | R L Stevenson
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#7days7books 7 books that made a deep impression or changed me.

Book 3 Treasure Island
This is one of my favorite books of all time. I have read this book countless times over the years. I think that Long John Silver is one of the greatest literary characters ever. I still dream about finding pirate treasure one day.

TheBookHippie My son‘s favorite book. He collects copies. 4y
BookNAround I still remember everything about reading this book as a kid and even bought the library by our cottage a copy when my kids were small just so we could check it out and read it together. 4y
Tanisha_A I started my reading for this year with this book. Loved it 🙂 4y
AvidReader25 Did you watch the National Theatre‘s performance of this on YouTube this week? It‘s still available for a few more hours! 4y
JazzFeathers I read it years ago (but not as a kid) and totally fell in love with Stevenson. Such a modern author. I sometimes wonder what the hell he was doing in the 19th century. 4y
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#7days7books 7 books that made a deep impression or changed me.

Book 2 Han Solo at Stars End. In the early 80s I was just starting my Star Wars obsession. My Dad gave me his copy of the tagged book. This was my first Sci-fi book, and it sparked my love of the genre. I have been reading Sci-fi ever since. Thanks Dad!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa That was definitely a parenting win! 4y
LazyOwl My husband was obsessed with the star wars books growing up. He has a ton of them. 4y
OwenBanner Okay, best star wars book you've ever read and go 4y
TK421 @OwenBanner Shadows of the Empire or Thrawn. 4y
OwenBanner Awesome. I read Darth Plaguies, and it was good, but I have no idea which others are worth the time 4y
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The Poky Little Puppy | Janette Sebring Lowrey
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#7days7books 7 books that made a deep impression or changed me.

Book 1 is the first book that I can remember. My mom read this to me over and over when I was a baby, and I had her keep reading to me almost every day when I was a little guy, even though I had it memorized long before I could ever read. The Pokey Little Puppy helped make me a book lover from infancy.

Thanks for the tag @sprainedbrain ! I went back to the beginning on this one.

sprainedbrain You sure did! This was a great book. 😃 4y
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Sabretooth: Open Season | Daniel Way, Bart Sears
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#Ispy @Avanders asked for a book with some kind of creature on the cover. Here are two covers from some of my favorite Marvel series.
The Sabretooth series was about him hunting a Wendigo.
The Annihilation cover has Nova and Drax battling a swarm of alien insects that are invading our universe from the Negative Zone.

I'll tag @Chrissyreadit @sprainedbrain to share a plaid book cover that is NOT a highland romance. 😉 #Ispy

Chrissyreadit I will look! That‘s twice today you had me burst out in laughter! 4y
sprainedbrain Ok I give up. I have searched my shelves, and I find no plaid, highland romance or not. 😂 4y
Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽 Great picks!!! Also, love your charge for others.... and I‘m curious whether anyone found any?? 4y
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Star Path: People of Cahokia | W. Michael Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear
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1. Star Path
2. Lord of the Rings
3. Joseph Beth Booksellers
4. LOTR, Hobbit, People of the Lakes
5. V for Vendetta
6. The Loch: Heaven's Lake
7. Rivendell
8. You. I was surprised at how much I started to root for Joe.
9. Get out of my awful slump and read books again.
10. My old decrepit recliner.
11. The Hobbit and Treasure Island
12. @Bklover @Trashcanman

Thanks for the tags @Chrissyreadit @JenlovesJT47

Bklover Thanks for the tag! 🧡🧡 4y
Onceuponatime Good answer for #8...I agree! 4y
sprainedbrain Yay for old decrepit recliners! 🙌🏻 4y
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BethM You skipped 7- where would you live? And I‘m with you- reading is hard right now. 4y
TK421 @BethM I added 7. Thanks!☺ 4y
BethM Good choice! 4y
Gissy I liked V for Vendetta. I have the book👌 4y
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People of the Lakes | W. Michael Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear
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1. Frodo and Sam. Greatest literary friendship ever. Some of my favorites are Wolverine and Jubilee, Green Spider and Black Skull from People of the Lakes, and of course Han and Chewie.

2. I've only recently started reading Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse series. Six of Crows was fantastic.

3. I'm still trying to get through The Stand.

#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Great literary friendships! ❤️ The Stand❤️ 4y
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The Stand | Stephen King
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This #Two4Tuesday made me decide what to read in April. Thanks for the tag @Avanders !

1. I'm going to finally pick up The Stand again. I'll do my best to finish it in April.

2. I guess I'm more of a fly by the seat of your pants kind of reader. Unless it is a LMPBC book or a buddy read, I usually have no idea what I'm going to read a month ahead.

The Stand made me think of @Trashcanman
So I tag you George! ☺


TheSpineView The Stand is an ambitious read. Good luck and thanks for playing! 😃 😃 4y
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Ruin and Rising | Leigh Bardugo
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1. Hiking. We just went hiking yesterday. It was a beautiful day, and the wildflowers are starting to bloom.
2. Extrovert, but a fairly introverted one.
3. I've finished 2 books, 2 audio books, and 4 graphic novels. Ruin and Rising was my favorite.
4. Always sending love to @cobwebmoth

@4thhouseontheleft @howjessreads

Bklover Hi there my friend! Love to you and @cobwebmoth ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
TK421 Hi @Bklover ! It's always great to hear from you! 4y
Bookzombie 💗💗💗 4y
alisiakae I‘m glad you got to enjoy a hike! 🌷💚 4y
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My Hero Academia | Kohei Horikoshi
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I'm currently reading my daughter's My Hero Academia fan fiction about the character Hawks. She has done a great job on this story so far. I might be slightly biased, but I will consider it cannon in the MHA universe.😀

Hawks' Hero Agency, somewhere in Kyushu, Japan, probably a week or two after the Shie

Hassaikai Raid...

The Stand | Stephen King
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1. Stephen King, although I would love to read a King version of The Notebook. I wonder where Randall Flagg would fit in?

2. I used to be a night owl, and I still try to stay up late, but years of waking up early for work have ruined me.

3. Salty and hopefully spicy.

vivastory I would read the hell out of a King version of the Notebook 😂😂 4y
Bookwormjillk King version of The Notebook is what I need to break my reading slump 😂😂 4y
Reggie I think Randall Flagg would be someone who was in the war with Noah? And maybe Noah doesn‘t make it back? But ditto, would totally read that book. 4y
BethM King writing the Notebook 😂 4y
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The Hobbit | J.R.R. Tolkien
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Happy #TolkienReadingDay !

The Hobbit was my introduction to fantasy as a child. I've loved dragons ever since. The conversation between Bilbo and Smaug has always been a favorite passage. I love how Tolkien wrote dragons in to his stories. Glaurung had some great dialog in The Silmarillion as well.

BookwormAHN That's also my favorite part of The Hobbit 💚 4y
JazzFeathers Tolkien's dragons are simply marvellous. It may seem they are the classic evil dragons, but they are much more. They are clever creatures, with complex personalities. Glaurung is my favourite. 4y
TK421 @JazzFeathers I always like looking at the Tolkien dragons size chart after reading The Silmarillion. Smaug was just a little guy compared to the old dragons. 4y
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Junkyard Cats | Faith Hunter
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I haven't read any of Faith Hunter's books before this. I have to say that this was really fun on audio. Space ships, bikers, sentient cats, nano-tech, sassy southern belle A.I. This book had so many enjoyable elements. The main character was very likable, there was a decent amount of back story and world building, the tech was believable, and the cats were pretty great. I hope there is a sequel in the works.

Texreader Excellent review. Not my normal kind of book but I may have to get the audiobook 4y
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1. I've always turned to comics or Fantasy as an escape. Classic cosmic Marvel and X-Men, Sandman, any book by Tolkien, Gaiman, or the Gears.
2. Any comedy with Peter Sellers. A Shot In The Dark was my favorite. The original Star Wars trilogy has always been a great escape for me as well.
3. IT Crowd, How I Met Your Mother, 30 Rock, The Office
4. Nature photography, hiking, fishing, I need to draw more often

#FridayFun @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Gaiman & Star Wars are some of my faves too. 🙌🏻 Thanks for playing 😀 4y
TheAromaofBooks My husband and I have been watching the IT Crowd - sooo funny 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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1. Yes. I have multiple tbr piles in my room.

2. I think I'll be ok. I could always use more spicy snacks, but I don't want to jeopardize my tp supply. 😉

#two4tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Happy Tuesday! 😊 4y
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I loved this. Jeff Lemire's run on Moon Knight was fantastic. I've always been a Moon Knight fan. Lemire takes pieces of Marc Spector's back story, his multiple personalities, the power of Khonshu, and puts them all together in a padded room. You really feel like you are going insane when you read this. Another Lemire masterpiece!

Sweettartlaura He‘s my favorite ♥️ 4y
SCBird I feel like I end up reading this run whenever I fall out with comics for a while and want back in. 💛 Favorite! 4y
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Star Path: People of Cahokia | W. Michael Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear
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1. Nothing drastic yet, although we did cancel some travel plans. My family is spending most of our time at home together, so that is one positive thing about this.
2. Yes. Yes I do.
3. Nope. One of these years I'll have Scotch eggs and Guinness for breakfast though.
4. Fatal Cajun Festival, Star Path, and I might start back into The Stand.
5. My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising. It was awesome!
#randosurvey @laurenslibrary

Ruin and Rising | Leigh Bardugo
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This was a good conclusion to the trilogy. I was happy with most of the character wrap ups. My favorite side characters actually lived for a change! This leads nicely towards King of Scars. I'll be starting that soon. After seeing some of the casting for the TV series, I can easily see Ben Barnes as The Darkling.

Fatal Cajun Festival | Ellen Byron
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While waiting at the library for my kids book club to let out, this Cajun cozy mystery jumped out at me.(quite literally) Ok, maybe I accidentally knocked it off the shelf, but it still wants to be read. Plus there is a great sounding etouffee recipe in it.

Tamra Love the cover! 4y
Erofan Yes, beautiful cover! 😍 4y
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Beyond the Wild River | Sarah Maine
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I really enjoyed this book. @JenlovesJT47 you made a good choice. It was a really interesting journey from Scotland to the Canadian wilderness. Murder, secrets, revenge, romance, and trout fishing. This book has it all. 😀
#historicalhussies @MaleficentBookDragon @Avanders @BethM @JenlovesJT47

JenlovesJT47 I‘m glad you liked it! I really enjoyed it as well ☺️ 4y
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Beyond the Wild River | Sarah Maine
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Good morning Littens. I have a rare opportunity to start my day out with coffee and a book. I need more mornings like this.

Chrissyreadit ❤️enjoy! 4y
Cortg Awesome! I got a cup of coffee and 30 min. reading time before I start getting ready for work. I love starting the mornings out like this! Have a great day! (edited) 4y
SauerPatch So jealous! (Not that I have any right to be, I‘d have more reading/other hobby time if I managed my time differently, lol.) Also, that CAT mug.😄 4y
Nute Lovely! So nice to have a quiet start to the morning. Enjoy!☺️ 4y
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