This scene is so infuriating and great.
Chinese food + opera + magic = a hungry reader
Love the concept of this political intrigue-heavy SF
“I think it‘s time to recruit the most dangerous man in these halls,” she said.
Trig looked back up to the Hall of Songs, the Shahiid they‘d just fled from.
“I thought we just ran away from the most dangerous man in these halls?”
Mia tried to smile.
Settled for shaking her head.
“You‘ve obviously not spent enough time with librarians, Don Tric.”
“Nice shoes,” Chichi said, looking at Orlu‘s brand-new red Chuck Taylors.
This is great!
On street naming (and renaming) in Victorian London cc @surlyspice
The audio version of these books is sooooooo goooooood I want to savor every second but I also want to know what happens! I have the print book also so I can see the layout and illustrations.
Fantasy! Romance! Can‘t wait for the next book in the series!
A pretty accessible work on the beginning of the end of the Roman Republic. Adapted from a podcast (I listened to the audio). It made me want to listen to SPQR again!
One of the better books I‘ve read that feature online trolls as antagonists. Lots of geeky references! Romance! But also very anxiety-inducing.
Harriet‘s dad is absolutely on fire in this one after being largely in the background in most of the other books in the series. @surlyspice
Hey, that‘s my library! I wish I fielded more pronunciation calls, but it‘s usually spelling and crossword questions. #librarylife
“Kale chips? That‘s not a thing.”
“...yes it is!”
“No way. That‘s just something people talk about in jokes.”
“My parents make them all the time!”
“But kale‘s just a type of leaves, right? Nobody eats leaf chips.”
Just say no...to playing Devil‘s Advocate
Some books I keep in the library‘s collection because they are just cool! #librarylife
Enjoying the concept of sentient, playfully growling book trucks! #librarylife @surlyspice
I also believe in the healing power of samosas! @surlyspice
"They're afraid because we exist, she says. There's nothing that we did to provoke their fear, other than exist. There's nothing we can do to earn their approval, except stop existing--so we can either die like they want, or laugh at their cowardice and go on with our lives."
"Her eyes flickered from my face, to my fingers, to my beaten-up Chucks." #chuckstravaganza @surlyspice #sherlock
"I was given to understand they'd ended." Only a person who lives on a magical island might plausibly think that. #wonderwoman
If I reproduced every page of this librarian romance that was relevant to my job, it would definitely be a copyright violation. #librarylife @surlyspice @bookavore
Identifying heavily with Harrison Withers. @surlyspice
Capitalism as Ponzi scheme. This book has a lot more about investment and the economy than I expected. It's fascinating!
Podcast research is always fun research! #realityTV #bellwetherfriends @surlyspice @bookavore
Stopping all my currently in-progress books to start this mystery!
Well, it is a long book...
They just don't do author photos like they used to! (c 1970) #librarylife
The audiobook is definitely the way to go with this one. I loved spending time listening to Eddie tell me stories (and look things up on Wikipedia while recording)! Bonus #BeanSecretlyBrownCat @surlyspice
Finally, a relatable librarian romance! 😀🥇
I enjoyed this tale of undercover FBI agent enemies-to-lovers and would give it to a patron who said they wanted romance but not too much sex (if such a person exists).
I was so sad that this collection didn't include any comics with both Deadpool AND Wolverine! #falseadvertising #madface