Humorous account of a 4020 excavation of a 20th century motel.
More of a smile than a lol but enjoyable.
Humorous account of a 4020 excavation of a 20th century motel.
More of a smile than a lol but enjoyable.
It is close to the year 4000 and archaeologists have discovered a unique site dating back to 1985 when USA was buried in 3rd and 4th class mail and impurities in the air. It is up to Howard Carson and Harriet Burton to make sense of what is unearthed.
Funny look at how some of our things might be interpreted by future generations. Interesting that when I've read bits of it to my fourth graders that they thought the TV remote was a cell phone.
Yes, I‘m reading, but I‘m really prepping for literature and history this week.
You are going to see several bookish posts. This was a used bookstore I found in Brattleboro, VT, called Baskets Bookstore. Owner was really helpful. Picked up this one for the classroom. Really funny how the archeologists interpret some of the artifacts they find!
2000 years after the demise of American civilization, an excavation site is discovered that is believed to be an ancient crypt when it is, in fact, a 1970s strip motel. The lost civilization of the Yanks of Usa is unveiled in this fun satire of archaeology and consumer culture. Macaulay, the author of "Castle," "Pyramid," & "The Way Things Work" is a phenomenal illustrator and this is one of my favorites.
#seasonsreadings2016 #bookwithpictures