I can't stop laughing at this right-to-left bonus comic about Noel the Chihuahua's time in the pet hotel. He's exactly like my Murchie, right down to how he lounges along the top of the sofa like a cat. #readathon
I can't stop laughing at this right-to-left bonus comic about Noel the Chihuahua's time in the pet hotel. He's exactly like my Murchie, right down to how he lounges along the top of the sofa like a cat. #readathon
I knew this Kit Kat ice cream was a bad idea, but I ate it anyways and now I've taken to my bed in DISTRESS.
I'll read a bit more, but only a bit. #Readathon
Let's Dance a Waltz vol 3 (final)
Bwahahaha! I had no idea this was the last book of the series until I finished it. Slightly out of the blue, but not bad at all. It was a short, cute and fun read. Totally reminded me of when I took ballroom dancing during college 👍
4 of 5
#manga #letsdanceawaltz