*this* is the cover I remember from forever ago when I borrowed it from the library… my hideous paperback version has since left the building - so I can add this to my shelves with a clear conscious… (as long as I stay off eBay for awhile 😅😂)
*this* is the cover I remember from forever ago when I borrowed it from the library… my hideous paperback version has since left the building - so I can add this to my shelves with a clear conscious… (as long as I stay off eBay for awhile 😅😂)
Teen me loved this book - but I borrowed it from the library and the cover was much better 🥺
I‘ve always meant to reread it but this cover makes me reconsider every time (plus the general fear that it won‘t live up to my memory of it)
Bailed after 127 pages—it‘s more romance than fantasy adventure, and I didn‘t really like the main character much.
I'm still depressed about this cover. I adored this book when I read it in high school (my high school library was one of the best) when it had a WAY better cover... however this is what book depository sent me 🙈 I may never summon the strength to reread.
#uglyromancecovers #booklove17
Teen me found a different edition of this at the library and consumed it. Somewhat older me was feeling nostalgic and ordered it online and THIS rather uninspiring thing arrived... #no
I'm yet to reread. #UglyCover #SomethingForSept