Gonna read this next by Rachel Caine #rachelcaine #themorganvillevampires #lordofmisrule
Gonna read this next by Rachel Caine #rachelcaine #themorganvillevampires #lordofmisrule
Dangerous, Claire thought. Really dangerous. Hannah stared at her cousin, her expression tight and controlled, and then nodded. 'OK,' she said. 'You do what you want, Lisa, but you be careful, all right?'
#WomenInHorrorMonth #WiHM
The vampires did make sounds then, as their quarry started to flee - little whispers, laughs, strange hisses, all kinds of creepy noises that made the skin on the back of Claire's neck tighten up.
She was sending Shane into the predawn darkness with a few chosen fighters, both vampire and human, to take possession of the Bloodmobile: the last reliably accessible blood storage in Morganville. (Rachel Caine, Lord of Misrule)
#WomenInHorrorMonth #WiHM
She felt awkward and anxious, stripped to her underwear with just a blanket held up between her and a dozen strangers, some of whom probably wanted to eat her.
#womeninhorrormonth #wihm
I‘ve been spending my Memorial Day with a cute new bookmark, a quilt, and vampires. This is my second book of the day. 😁
I listened to these, the first 5 books in the Morganville Vampire series, back in 2011/2012 and thought they were all that existed. Just learned that there are many more books in the series! Must re-read these and then work my way through the rest! I remember really enjoying these!
Onto book 5. Rereading this series. 😍😍😍😍
#morganvilleVampires #RachelCaine. #YA