Difficult to categorize - a white man gets a call to come visit with an Indian elder and help him write a book of his observations. It's fascinating, frustrating and meaningful. Worth picking up for sure.
Difficult to categorize - a white man gets a call to come visit with an Indian elder and help him write a book of his observations. It's fascinating, frustrating and meaningful. Worth picking up for sure.
This one is tough. I couldn‘t power through it quickly like I usually do, as it was a slow burn. The end had me crying and cursing my high school (lack of) education. It was barbaric and sad and quiet and powerful. I never want to read it again.
⭐️: 3.75/5
Take an interesting trip through Indian country with Kent Nerburn.
But you‘ve got to understand that we are still at war. It‘s not like we are fighting against America or the American people, but we are still defending who we are. It‘s a war to use, because if we don‘t fight for who we are we will be destroyed. We‘ll be destroyed by false ideas and phony Indians and all the good intentions of people who think they are helping us by making us act like white people.
Book haul/mail! I've been wanting to read Annihilation, and I found it in the bargain section at Barnes and Noble--I like the original cover better but couldn't pass up the price. Neither Wolf Nor Dog was from Thriftbooks--and recommended by a dear friend. I'm thinking of using parts of it for my AP Language and Composition kids.
Just started this one today in anticipation of my trip to Montana where I am staying on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation doing service work for a week.