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True Love
True Love: A Novel | Sarah Gerard
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One of todays most provocative literary writersthe author of the critically acclaimed Sunshine State and the Los Angeles Times First Fiction Award finalist Binary Starcaptures the confused state of modern romance and the egos that inflate it in a dark comedy about a woman's search for acceptance, identity, and financial security in the rise of Trump. Nina is a struggling writer, a college drop-out, a liar, and a cheater. More than anything she wants love. She deserves it. From the burned-out suburbs of Florida to the anonymous squalor of New York City, she eats through an incestuous cast of characters in search of it: her mother, a narcissistic lesbian living in a nudist polycule; Odessa, a single mom with even worse taste in men than Nina; Seth, an artist whose latest show is comprised of three Tupperware containers full of trash; Brian, whose roller-coaster affair with Nina is the most stable relationship in his life; and Aaron, an aspiring filmmaker living at home with his parents, with whom Nina begins to write her magnum opus. Ninas quest for fulfillment is at once darkly comedic, acerbically acute, and painfully humana scathing critique of contemporary society, and a tender examination of our anguished yearning for connection in an era defined by detachment.
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True Love: A Novel | Sarah Gerard
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Nina is looking for love, but lest you think this a romance novel, she bounces around shady characters and affairs in Tampa before moving to Brooklyn with her unemployed artist boyfriend. There‘s a theme of violence and coercion from romantic partners, family, and friends. It‘s definitely a dark novel, but I liked it. CW ⬇️

This is one of my #AlgorithmExperiment novels I purchased based on Amazon‘s suggestion. It was pretty okay. One more left!

Megabooks CW domestic violence both physical and mental, animal neglect, drug use 3y
BarbaraBB That cover is awesome! 3y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB I kind of find it bizarre! 😂 3y
See All 7 Comments
Cinfhen Would you try their picks again, Meg?? 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen probably, if I‘m ever bored again. I hit a lull in what I wanted in print fiction in oct/nov so this sated my needs. Now I‘m looking forward to the last few tob books for that plus Scott‘s nywd list in the new year. 3y
Cinfhen I‘m able to use a lot of suggestions from @MallenNC list for my upcoming 2022 challenges💕 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen that‘s great! I‘ve really enjoyed nywd the last three years! 3y
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True Love: A Novel | Sarah Gerard

Very introspective novel. I really disliked the main character, but the writing was good.