More great espionage action and art from Phil Noto.
More great espionage action and art from Phil Noto.
I feel like I have read a lot of versions of Black Widow recently, but I do like this one, with low-key appearances from various Avengers and Defenders, but a very human Natasha. #ReadJanuary
This was a great set of adventure. Lots of drop ins from the marvel universe and cool art. Looking forward to vol 3.
This was much better than the first. Can't wait till 3 comes in for me.
Cool, but the ending left me a little confused. I feel like 20 things happened all at once in this volume and none of them were resolved. It feels like it's written to be angsty & stressful for the sake of being angsty, not really to develop the story. Widow went and beat ass with X-23 though, so that was glorious to see. Still a good volume, but unsure if I'll read the next one.
Great read. Tight plotting, nice action, interesting characters. Everything you want from a fine pulp spy yarn. This is what AGENTS OF SHIELD should have been like!
Less enjoyable than the previous volume, due to ALL OF THE SPECIAL APPEARANCES.
Monday morning commute made bearable.