Example of a picture book for older students. Glossary at the back is helpful, expect a lot of unusual vocabulary. This page made me laugh out loud. ☆☆☆
Example of a picture book for older students. Glossary at the back is helpful, expect a lot of unusual vocabulary. This page made me laugh out loud. ☆☆☆
For anyone who loves word play this book has a sparkly sense of fun and illustrates beautifully that language really can be a challenging form of communication. I got this for my husband because for years he has insisted that Lady Gag is really singing “Bon Jovi Romance” instead of “Want Your Bad Romance!” 🤣
THANK YOU, @Sourcebooks Early Reads
This book is the BEST book to read aloud to older children to learn the difference between words that have different meanings and spellings, but share the same pronunciation....HOMONYMS!!
The illustrations are top notch.
LOVING every page. ♥️
Learning can be humorous! Adults and children will enjoy this funny book about homonyms! The illustrations help readers make sense of the different meanings for each word. Even if you‘re past the target age for this picture book, you‘re sure to laugh and you might even learn something! My husband and I were unfamiliar with a tapir until we read this book. I really appreciated the glossary at the end, as well.
🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟5 🌟
If you read and loved P is for Pterodactyl then add this to your TBR. This book is full of examples that illustrate how words and combinations of words can mean two different things, like a loud, and aloud. Just like before the illustrations are fun and help get the point across.