Have the day off today and am looking forward to reading this graphic novel for #readharder2022.
Have the day off today and am looking forward to reading this graphic novel for #readharder2022.
This graphic novel is about the Indian/Native American band Redbone (Come and Get Your Love) and their rise to fame and their end as told by Pat Vegas to his children. It was also about the times, about the AIM (American Indian Movement), Indian oppression, and the second Wounded Knee event in 1973 that I‘ve never known about! I really enjoyed learning not only about Redbone but the history that is highlighted. This is an important read.
Pick-up this graphic novel!
You've heard the hit song "Come and Get Your Love" in the movie Guardians of the Galaxy, but the story of the band behind it is one of cultural, political, and social importance. Created with the cooperation of the Vegas family, painstaking steps were taken to ensure the historical accuracy of this important and often overlooked story of America's past. Redbone provides a voice to a people long neglected in American history.