In 1964, Pepsi ditched "The Sociables Prefer Pepsi" as a slogan in favor of the slicker "Come alive! You're in the Pepsi generation!" When they exported this marketing campaign to China, their ad agency mistranslated it as the bold but misleading "Pepsi brings your dead ancestors back from the grave."
The opening lines of the introduction intrigued me. This book has the potential to be either a hilarious book or a total dud.
Meh. Some of the stories about extinct countries were humorous and interesting and others made light of a massacre of people in the name of colonialism. The author grouped the stories by theme, but I wished it was either by region or in chronological order. On ok read, but I definitely did my fair share of scanning.
An interesting book. A series of brief biographies of countries that no longer exist. Many were in existence for a short time. Many have been forgotten to history.
I enjoyed this book. It's a cheeky account of countries that no longer exist. Some of them I had heard of, like Yugoslavia, but plenty of others like Maine of Africa I had not. A good read for people like me who enjoy random trivia tidbits 🙂
Geography with a big dollop of snarkiness. It is the history of little known or forgotten "countries", some who lasted years, some months, some only days or even hours. I laughed out loud at some sections, I loved the dry humor.
4 ???? 1/2
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This was an entertaining read about the, frequently short, lives of extinct countries. I enjoyed learning more about these countries through history and the circumstances that lead to their creation and downfall.