What a treasure. Lots of fantastic messages, tips and ideas. Will definitely reread later on.
What a treasure. Lots of fantastic messages, tips and ideas. Will definitely reread later on.
I'm offering a year online long book study for the book, Positive Discipline by Jane Nelsen. #Parenting #PositiveDiscipline #bookstudy #peacefulparenting #discipline
I read this book as part of a parenting seminar and would definitely recommend it. Many of its suggestions have worked well for our family, especially the family meetings and curiosity questions. Helpful insight into how children think and the reasons behind their behaviors. #parenting
"Adults need to accept that telling a hundred times is not effective." Love how this flips the common logic, it is not kids who are not understanding, it is the adult trying the same failed strategy over and over. #parenting
Reading this book for a parenting seminar. This quote resonates with me, "where did we ever get the crazy idea that in order to make children do better, first we have to make them feel worse." Good reminder in trying to use positive discipline and kindness.