Today I did six hours of manual labour. Now I get to eat a peanut butter marshmallow square cheesecake doughnut while I read my daily X-Men.
Today I did six hours of manual labour. Now I get to eat a peanut butter marshmallow square cheesecake doughnut while I read my daily X-Men.
I haven‘t read much beyond X OF SWORDS these last couple days. It feels really good to immerse myself in the X-Men again.
Supper was a Nigella recipe featuring beet greens and noodles. The noodles were good but I won‘t rush to cook beet greens again. They made my whole mouth feel weird.
My weekly goal is to finish the massive X OF SWORDS collection. Four or five issues a day should do it.
My subgoal is to keep Casey from showing undue interest in (ie, chewing on) it, since the cover price is a whopping $93.75 and I do NOT want to pay that replacement fee.
This is a very weird story with lots of odd little twists and turns but it has an epic climax that hinges, funnily enough, on a play on words. The more you like Apocalypse, the more you will enjoy X of Swords. The art is quite consistent across 22 separate issues.
There's a big build up to identifying the fighters and acquiring their swords but some of the actual duels are anticlimactic.
Mr. Sinister and his clone arguing over who will go on the suicide mission is very funny.
X of Swords is an X-Men crossover event with a dizzying number of plots and characters but it all centers around Apocalypse and a tournament inspired by the Ten of Swords tarot card.
...that was really metal. Also, in the battle of champions I can‘t believe that anyone beat Storm in the modeling competition. That just strains credibility.