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A House for Every Bird
A House for Every Bird | Megan Maynor
3 posts | 1 read
A young artist's drawings rebel against her when she tries to put her sketched birds in houses that match how they look, but not how they feel in this hilarious picture book perfect for readers of Julian is a Mermaid and The Big Orange Splot. A young artist has drawn birds and bird houses in corresponding colors. Now it's time to match them up. The blue bird goes in the blue house, the orange bird in the orange house, and so on. But wait! The birds don't agree with the narrator's choices and, much to her distress, are rebelling by swapping houses. Can the narrator make the birds see sense? Or is it possible that you just can't tell a bird by its feathers? "A fresh and funny take on an old moral."--Kirkus "Both Maynors dialogue text and Juanitas digital art have a loose, improvisational feel that captures the thrill and frustration of a work in progressand the value of empathy and flexibility in getting to know others."--Publishers Weekly "Use this to open a discussion on using words rather than assumptions, or as an introduction to the way art can go in unexpected directions."--The Bulletin
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A House for Every Bird | Megan Maynor
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#SummerSouls Day 12: A young, well-meaning, highly inventive artist is pleased with her creation. As the title goes, she has created a house for every bird. She assumed that blue #birds would prefer blue houses and that orange #birds need to go to orange houses. It is an insightful story about how, oftentimes, even the most well-meaning people can make mistakes that are based on false assumptions. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-odh

Eggs Beautiful analogy 🦜 3w
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House for Every Bird | Megan Maynor
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Arts and Crafts: Day 3 #litsysummercamp @ImperfectCJ I home school my kids and like to try to link art with what we are learning about. We are about to start a bird unit so I got them these bird houses to build and paint. I love to do adult coloring books and make bookmarks as well (my adult art supplies are upstairs and I can‘t exactly get up there for a photo right now).

julesG Hope you share a picture of the finished bird houses. 3y
sharread That is so cool! 3y
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A House for Every Bird | Megan Maynor
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#WindsOfMarch Day 15: #BirdOnCover reminded me of this e-picturebook I discovered via Overdrive. Review is forthcoming.

Eggs So lovely 💙🐦💙 3y
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