I could never figure out why this bird never knew who his mother was, and it bothered my kid brain. It still does! Two bingonspots for #ISpyBingoFeb @TheAromaofBooks
I could never figure out why this bird never knew who his mother was, and it bothered my kid brain. It still does! Two bingonspots for #ISpyBingoFeb @TheAromaofBooks
This was a nice collection of poetry and two Essays about nature, and more specifically various species of birds. I enjoyed most of them, but my favorite was “Wild Geese“
My only criticism is reading through her second essay about finding an injured gull, and instead of taking it to a wildlife facility or the vet, she and her partner started caring for it. It isn't what you fo with injured wildlife. You don't keep them as pets.
This is exactly how I feel about the birds who visit my yard. 💛 Yesterday I saw mourning doves, crows, bluebirds, mockingbirds, and chipping sparrows. Today I watched red-shouldered hawks soaring above the trees.
Our discussion thread for February's #buddyread
🐦⬛ Did you like the author's writing style?
🦃 Did you have a favourite chapter/bird?
🐦 Did that differ from the one you expected to like most? If so, why?
📚 Would you recommend this author or try his other books?
All welcome to join in. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.
Next up - https://litsy.com/p/SnJ6bm9Kb1dH
I'm so excited to start reading this! My mom got this for me for my birthday a few weeks ago. 🐦
Sunday morning #coffeeandabook
Just a lovely time. Really all about one person's observations of the birds in her backyard. Wasn't sure what the tone would be from the preface, since it had a memoir feel, and mentioned her mother's repeated threats of self-harm, but the rest of the book is full of faithful reproductions of excerpted journal entries and truly gorgeous illustrations by the author.1/?
I have tried a few of Amy Tan‘s fiction books and didn‘t connect well with them. This journal and collection of drawings however was delightful!
She‘s an incredibly talented artist, and I found her observations and commentary on her backyard visitors funny and interesting. Highly recommend if you also like birdwatching or feeding your locals.
Oof, the entry packs a punch, but the ending sentence really knocked me out.
Hee hee. Spicy for birdy, not for squirrel! 🌶️