This MF, SEL book is a great addition to any classroom. It focuses on the emotion of sadness, which is often a touchy subject. By introducing this book into your classroom, you are creating a positive and welcome place, where students can feel comfortable expressing their feelings. A RA is a great way to read this book, because you can make it interactive with your students.
OliviaBuck This PDF provides tips on an interactive read aloud alongside this book https://teachersandwritersmagazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/v45n02p04Levis.... UDL 9.2- facilitate personal coping skills and strategies aligns with this book, as does EL strategy 18- use commands and directions that involve overt student actions in total physical response (TPR). #ucflae3414sp21 4y
Chaseb I‘m really trying to find good books about emotions to have in my classroom, so thank you for this recommendation! I think this book would be very useful for teaching kids about emotions and what we do about them. I think you noted the perfect UDL principle for the book! Good job! 4y
DrSpalding Universal design principle 9.2 is perfect for books like this that focus on social emotional skills. You must go back and add your link to your published lesson plan for this book! 4y