I‘m about to begin my 30th consecutive Readathon in bed, with my daily short story and my impractical body pillow for company. Good times. #deweyapril #readathon
I‘m about to begin my 30th consecutive Readathon in bed, with my daily short story and my impractical body pillow for company. Good times. #deweyapril #readathon
Do you love stories about odd people? Do you love stories about animals? Then this collection is for you! Animals and people and some weird situations with very real emotions. And so much heart! #LGBTQ #CanadianAuthor #shadowgiller2021
“Do you have a title yet?' asked Mandy. “How about The Goat Whisperer?“
“Not bad, Mandy, not bad. But I think I'll call it G is for Goat.“
“Well, isn't that a little obvious?“
“Exactly. Keep it simple. This English lady wrote a bestseller, H is for Hawk. I read it. Nothing happens except she is alone and depressed and lives with this hawk that she feeds bits of torn-up rabbit and trains to hunt. My book will be way, way better.“
5🌟Beautiful and inviting! Just so dam good! These stories focus on character who's lives have been touched by tramatic circumstances, and are now trying their best to cope. These characters had an intriguing connection with animals. Being immersed in these characters minds was so emotional. I felt their anger, grief, longing, desperation, sorror and bargaining so intently. Rose's prose pulled me in like a tight hug, I didn't dare let go! #canlit