I thoroughly enjoyed this arc in comic book form! It was done very well and depicts the topic of loss in a very easy to follow way.
I thoroughly enjoyed this arc in comic book form! It was done very well and depicts the topic of loss in a very easy to follow way.
Another great TAZ adaptation! Crystal Kingdom has never been my favourite Balance arc and the comic didn‘t change that but even so I really appreciated the comic. I can‘t wait to get the next one! With this I also finished my Goodreads goal of 25 books for the year!🥳
The Tres Horny Boys must retrieve another grand relic before it transmutes the world into pink crystal.
My awe at Clint‘s talent continues to grow for taking 10 long (rambling) podcast episodes & distilling them to a smooth and easy to follow storyline.
I miss my favorite pun from this arc, but I‘m willing to sacrifice it to not get the stone skin/shape nonsense. 😂 Lots of fun, great art as usual, more depth for all the characters. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
What you did there, I see it. 😏
Also, the design for Kravitz? *chef‘s kiss*
Just picked up my order of the next Adventure Zone graphic novel! 🎉
Another great addition to the TAZ graphic novel adaptations! Carey Pietsch's artwork is as perfect as always. And while the story occasionally got bogged down in setting up some of the metaphysical explanations for the larger overarching plot, I still thoroughly enjoyed this one.