This is a small novella from Morpheus POV before book 2 in the splintered series. Worth taking a short amount of time to read this set up for Unhinged. Great addition to this Alice in Wonderland retelling.
This is a small novella from Morpheus POV before book 2 in the splintered series. Worth taking a short amount of time to read this set up for Unhinged. Great addition to this Alice in Wonderland retelling.
Just finished this small part of the splintered series, small being 33 pages. Was my first read on a kindle though so @Jackal121 can stop nagging me to do it haha. I still prefer physical books but thank you haha
Finished ensnared, very enjoyable. @hannah-leeloo discovered this novella that should be read after the first book in the series, but better late than never...