4.5 ⭐ This is the story of Maurice, a young man who had to flee his home when Nazis took over. He had a dream all his life to become a lawyer. Because lawyers helped people. But life moving from place to place to stay away from the war and death took its toll on Maurices education. As a refugee in Jamaica, he wanted to continue his education, but the refugees were not even allowed out of camp without a day pass. So instead of going to school,
LibrarianRyan he went to his neighbors. Said teach me and I will learn. Eventually through his studies and through time he realized that the only way to get into college to go to law school was to graduate high school. So he pled his case to a local Jamaican school and then again into a university in Canada. Maurice did attain his law license and the rest of history. This book was lovingly written by Marissa‘s son. The illustrator told the story in graphic 2mo
LibrarianRyan format, and it works quite well. This book is a bit longer because it‘s a biography. This book was fantastic and I hope others read it and learn how important in education is when you are denied one. 2mo
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