A good book, but a little too much rehashing of facts made it a little tedious at times. Many good points on how all of us need to try to understand those that we view on the other side.
A good book, but a little too much rehashing of facts made it a little tedious at times. Many good points on how all of us need to try to understand those that we view on the other side.
The premise is America is divided between four economically divided groups. The “Free America” group; libertarian, individualistic, corporate and wealthy. The “Smart America” group; cosmopolitan, college educated, comfortable in the modern world, values “meritocracy”. The “Real America” group, Christian, Nationalistic, isolationist, anti-intellectual, values the common person. The “Justice America” group; have little faith in the ideas the past.
This book does a blow-by-blow of 2020, throws in a bit of history, then talks about the various factions within the left and the right, all while clearly speaking only to the left. Then firmly presses the point about how each side is not going to simply go away, but then says the socialist democrat agenda will save us all! I agree with a lot of his politics, but this book is a complete mess! Don‘t waste your time.