A story about a woman who has lost herself. The writing was beautiful and lyrical, but I had a hard time staying with the story as the MC didn‘t develop that much. 3.5 stars.
#NovelNovember @Andrew65
A story about a woman who has lost herself. The writing was beautiful and lyrical, but I had a hard time staying with the story as the MC didn‘t develop that much. 3.5 stars.
#NovelNovember @Andrew65
I was swept up in the narrative style of this story written in brief sections that illuminate the ways the MC has been on a path toward self-destruction. I think some aspects of the story were stronger than others, but overall I enjoyed it.
So perfectly written.
A book about loss and grief and memory written through the disjointed, hazy, confusion of dissociation. I understood this language.
The FEEL of the writing matches the inner feel of Mara.
#ptsd #grief #dissociation #runaway #disappear
“How could she explain it? That there was something whole she wanted severed. Something clean she needed soiled.” The grief-struck central character is in bad shape, having escaped her old life but unable to escape herself. I had difficulty feeling compassion as I witnessed her self-sabotaging behaviour. What I found missing from the prose is some up-and-downess, if you know what I mean. Something to relieve the bleak flatness. #shadowGiller2022
There are those who leave and those who were left over. That was her mother‘s favourite phrase.
Story of a woman intent on escaping her life who lands in a seaside tourist town after tourist season is over. The novel describes Mara slowly finding a place for herself in the community while also slowly revealing why she ran away in the first place. This is a novel about healing and how it can be messy and surprising. The ending felt true to me and it is well-written. Still, I wonder if I will remember it in a year's time.
Mara flees her home after a devastating loss and ends up in an out-of-season seaside town. ( see spoiler and TW below)
This is a debut novel that I received on #netgalley. It‘s a soft pick for me. Clearly, with the subject matter, it was going to be a melancholy novel but there was also something missing in the writing that I just can‘t put my finger on. It‘s quite a short book and perhaps just needed a bit more space to be something more.