I found parts of this short book to be quite funny, and it nailed what an ADHD brain can feel like. But I think my own ADHD brain actually struggled with the fragmented style, so it took me an embarrassing amount of time to finish it.
I found parts of this short book to be quite funny, and it nailed what an ADHD brain can feel like. But I think my own ADHD brain actually struggled with the fragmented style, so it took me an embarrassing amount of time to finish it.
More books for your tbr list:
Can anyone tell me what is meant by the term “fragment novel”? The article defines the word “contemporary” (duh) but not “fragment novel.” Hmmm...
I have long thought pharmaceutical drugs were the solution and I was right about that and that's correct. Still, you have to consider, with even the best prescription drugs, who it is who's taking them.
What the hell kind of drug do I take to get out of this moment? I would go up, down, or sideways.
I just regret everything and using my turn signal is too much trouble. Fuck you. Why should you get to know where I'm going, I don't.
Part two of the appropriately titled reading list Just Fuck Me All The Way Up. I'm trying real hard to never sleep again, I reckon.
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