“So they kept a world between them, just in case.”
This is a good story that teaches a lesson on resolving conflict.
This is a good story that teaches a lesson on resolving conflict.
East Dragon, West Dragon by Robyn Eversole, 2012. Picturebook. This book is about a rivalry between two different dragons. This story is lengthier and better fit for first through third graders. There is conflict and war in this story that brings out the positive aspects of the dragons and their abilities. There are many different colorful dragons in the kingdom.
Cute book! I would use this in my classroom to prevent conflicts from happening because even if things are different it doesn't matter because everything works out in the end.
East Dragon, West Dragon by Robyn Eversole (2012). great rhythm throughout the pages. the muted colors add a sense of calm to the story. There is a rivalry between the two dragons and lots of comparisons throughout. The west dragon goes on a mission to find some friends, but then there is a war, and the west dragon wins.
4 ⭐ The East dragon and the west dragon have never crossed the sea to meet each other, afraid that one will be better than the others. But the king and his silly knight went questing and ended up in an East dungeon. The East dragon goes to help and both dragons learn that they each have their difference that make each unique and perfect. Overall this book was enjoyable and the illustrations are lively and unique but was a bit long for story time